You are on periods

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You were in your bed rolled up in a blanket burrito holding your stomach. It was the sweet time of your month and the only way to describe this time of the month is "PAIN". You have a high pain tolerance but sometimes the cramps were unbearable and today was that day. You already called Lily and decided to take a few days off and sleep the pain away.

Loid- Y/n? are you okay? are you sick?

Y/N- hey Loid, yes I am fine

Loid- so you are not going to the café?

Y/N- um no I am taking a few days off

Loid- why? is something the matter?

Y/N- no just feeling lazy nothing else

(you said smiling through the pain)

Loid- okay, I am going take care

(you just nod while Loid exits your room closing the door. A painful groan escapes your mouth as you hold onto your stomach. You felt nauseated and too lazy to get up from the bed to prepare a heat pack for yourself. When you lived alone you would do everything by yourself so you thought not to trouble Loid with your problems.

After around 3 hours of moving and rolling on your bed and unable to find a comfortable position you were getting super annoyed and irritated. You felt like screaming on top of your lungs but you can't do it. You got up from the bed to change the pad/tampon and came back with a hot water heat pack. You lay down putting the hot pack on your lower stomach. You kept staring at the ceiling blankly as tears started to flow down your eyes, you let all the irritation, annoyance and pain flow out with your tears and soon you fell asleep. )

Loid- I am home *why is the house so quiet? is Y/n sleeping? or did she went out? I hope it's not something serious*

(he walked to your room and saw you sleeping with the hot water pack on your stomach making him confused. He moved closer to you and noticed the dried up tears on your cheek, he also noticed your empty pad/tampon box in the dustbin, figuring out what the issue was he instantly ran to the store and returned after 20 minutes)

Loid- Y/n? Y/n? love?

(he said slowly waking you up while you sleepily move and change your position without getting up. Noticing you won't get up he joined you in the bed pulling you closer to him as he slowly & gently massages your lower abdomen. Feeling the sudden soothing touch in your lower area you slowly open your eyes and notice Loid looking at you with the softest gaze possible. You instantly wake up with a jerk causing the cramp hit you again, you groan in pain holding your stomach)

Loid- you should be more careful Y/n, you don't have to reflex so instantly

Y/N- I am sorry

(he just gives you a smile and pulls out a bag containing lot of stuff and gives it you.You take the bag from him and look at all the snacks, chocolates, drinks and pads/tampons he got you)

Y/N- y-you don't have to Loid

Loid- you didn't thought it was important to tell me that you are suffering from the pain so I decided to do something to soothe it myself

(you hunged your face low in guilt)

Y/N- I am sorry I just didn't wanted to bother you with m-

Loid- you never bother me got it?

(you look at him giving him a smile and nod obediently like a child. He gives you a small smile and pulls you closer to him to cuddle. He makes you lay on your back on him while he gently massages your stomach and back relieving your pain. You put your head on his shoulders in relief)

Loid- does it feel good?

Y/N- it feels so much better...the pain is slowly going away

(he just nods and keeps massaging you until you fell asleep, once you were asleep he slowly positions you on the bed and then cuddles with you keeping you warm)


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