You reject his cuddles

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You were at your house sitting on the couch relaxing while sipping onto some freshly brewed lavender tea while reading some magazines. It was a peaceful day for you. Your husband was in his room doing his work.

[Loid's POV]

(Another day another mission. I am agent Twilight one of the top spy from Westalis. As a top agent it's my duty to complete the mission with an ease without any obstacles. *sighs*)

Loid- I wonder what Y/n is doing right now?

(i said to myself arranging the files for the mission. Once done i make my way out of the room to look out for Y/n, walking through the hallway i saw Y/n sitting on the couch reading some magazines. She seemed too engrossed at what she was doing. I decided to walk upto her and than probably cuddle with her. I went close to her and stood in front of her)

Y/N- hey hun!

Loid- hey love

Y/N- do you want something?

(she said looking back at her magazine which was quite unlike of her)

Loid- are you busy?

Y/N- not really I am just reading this new food magazine

(she said not looking at me)

Loid- well can we cuddle?

(i said waiting for her to answer but she was just too focused on the magazine)

Loid- can we cuddle love?

Y/N- not now Loid later

[Normal POV]

(he gasped internally his face shocked hearing your words)

(he couldn't believe you rejected his cuddles! you and rejecting cuddles was something he never really thought he would come across

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(he couldn't believe you rejected his cuddles! you and rejecting cuddles was something he never really thought he would come across. You lay down on the couch, your eyes still on the magazine as you read an interesting article. He doesn't disturbs you and sits down next to you. Although he was silent but he really wanted to cuddle with you. He loved cuddling with you when he was a little bit exhausted.
An hours passes by and you are still engrossed in what you were doing. Loid was patiently waiting for you to finish up reading the magazine)

Loid- love?

(you don't respond)

Loid- love?

(he said again this time slightly touching your shoulders and you respond in a hm)

Loid- can we please cuddle?

Y/N- hm?

(you responded not even sparing him a glance. He then again went silent. As time was passing by he was starting to get impatient. He wasn't liking it that you were ignoring him. This has never happened to him, whenever he would call you, you would give him your undivided attention but now you won't even respond to him with a yes. He than silently left to his room hoping for you to maybe come to him once you are finished. After 2 more hours as he noticed that you weren't coming he walks back into the living room and saw you reading another magazine. He gives you a sharp glance and walks to you. Snatching your magazine he looks at you, you move your head and look at him. Before you could say anything he picks you like a sac and starts walking you to the bedroom)

Y/N- L-Loid?....hey!

(he doesn't reply to you and walks in the room, he throws the magazine on the bed and then throws you gently on the bed. You adjust yourself sitting up and he hovers over you. He wraps his arms around your waist laying down his face on your abdomen. You look at him confused but realized that he just wanted to cuddle. You giggle and then kiss him on the head. You lean your back on the headboard of the bed running your fingers through his hairs, caressing his head softly while you resume your magazine. Feeling your hand caressing him he smiles in satisfaction and ends up falling asleep)


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