You do something nice for him

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Loid was a busy man especially now that you know what he actually does he was now more focused on his work since he doesn't have to act like a normal guy, even with his busy schedule he would still manage some time to meet you at the café or take you out on dates even though you told him he doesn't have to do all this but he still did since he wanted you to make the happiest girl.
Like any other day you were back from work and so was Loid but he was still working in his room and you were preparing dinner for him

Y/N- Loid dinner is ready!

(you called but there was no response)

Y/N- love the dinner is ready! come and eat before the food gets cold

(you called again but there was no answer, you took your apron off and went to check on him. You knocked on the door but still there was no answer)

Y/N- Loid i am coming in

(you said before opening and entering his room. You didn't saw him on the table but he was on the bed with a few files in his hand while he was passed out)

Y/N- this boy...

(you said in a low voice and looked around his room although he was a really organized guy but seems like he was too tired to do all the stuff and so you decided to help him with the mess that was created in his room.
You started to put the files in the alphabetical order so that he doesn't gets confused, you took all the papers and aligned it according to the page number and kept it neatly near the files. You grabbed all the books and started to arrange them on the shelf, then you started to dust his room as quietly as possible, brooming the room and wiping the floor you started to fold his laundry and keeping it in the cupboard)

Loid- Y/

(you heard him mumble and stir lightly in the sleep making you freeze)

Y/N- he is so cute

(you said giggling silently not to wake him up. You were done cleaning his room and looked at it proudly, before you left you took the file & his glasses off and kept it on the table and then covered him with the blanket)

Y/N- have a good night love

(you said kissing his forehead as he slightly smiled in the sleep as if he was watching a sweet dream)

next morning...

(you were in the kitchen preparing breakfast for you and Loid while Loid was still asleep but suddenly he wakes up with a jerk)

Loid- *shit did i really slept? oh god i forgot to clean all the mess...oh wait! where is my file....oh here it is and my room it looks so clean...who did this?*

(he thought to himself and gets up from the bed walking into the living room near the kitchen and saw you there)

Y/N- morning Loid...did you had a great sleep?

Loid- morning love, and yeah i did but my room-

Y/N- oh that...i hope you don't mind but i entered your room last night and saw you fast asleep so i cleaned it up for you, don't worry i didn't looked or peeked into any of your files, papers or any of your important stuff

(he looks at you calmly while you pour coffee in the cup when suddenly you felt a pair of strong arms around your waist)

Loid- thank you Y/n

Y/N- you're welcome and moreover this is the least i can do to help you

(you said with a smile as he nuzzled his nose in your neck making you giggle due to the ticklish feeling)

Loid- *you are the best thing that happened to me midst all the happening! i'll never let you go away
Y/n you are too precious to lose*

Y/N- c'mon go and get ready and let's have breakfast, you even skipped the dinner yesterday

(he nods and gives you a peck on the cheek before leaving you and heading to the bathroom)

Loid- Y/n

(he said peeking his head out of the room)

Y/N- yeah?

Loid- i love you

(he said giving you a slight smile and walking back in)

Y/N- *blush* *this guy* i love you too!


sorry for the late updates y'all, i am busy with practicals these days🥺
moreover i have my semester finals exams from 28😭and i am trying to finish up the syllabus! but once all this shit is over i'll be regular but till then please with your author❤

thank you for reading my work my dear readers🥰 your valuable votes and comments are highly appreciated❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍

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