He kisses you unexpectedly

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(You and Loid were sitting in your café interviewing some new potential employees since you were in the need of new workers. Lily was supposed to be there too but she was on her college.)

Candidate 10- well I love your café it's so aesthetically pleasing! perfect for my social media feed

(the girl said clicking selfies while you and Loid sit across from her. You squint your eyes making Loid smirk as he tries to contain his laughter)

Y/N- well I don't care about your social media here, I want you to work here with all honesty and loyality. So do you know how to serve tea?

Candidate 10- *nervous laugh* well, I can

Y/N- show me then!

(you said raising your eyebrows, you pointed her to pick up the tray with tea and serve it you and Loid and let's say you regret it the girl literally fell with the tea making you sigh. You walk to her picking her up as she dramatically acts like she isn't well, she feels like she going to die making you give her a dotted eye face)

 You walk to her picking her up as she dramatically acts like she isn't well, she feels like she going to die making you give her a dotted eye face)

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(this dotted eye not able to believe face)

(you somehow managed to escort the girl out of your café, you sigh walking back to where you were sitting)

Y/N- this was the 10th one! I can't believe no one is serious for the job either they wanna click pictures or review the food here or protect their manicure *sighs* god I am so-

(you were shut up by a pair of soft lips, you knew who it was so you kissed him back when suddenly the front door bell jingles making you both pull back. Your face was flushed red since you weren't expecting Loid to do so)

Lily- hello hello my love birds! wait Y/n why is your face so red? are you sick?

Y/N- what? no no it's j-just I was angry cause I already interviewed 10 candidates and none of them were worthy

Lily- oh acceptable but hey your problem is solved!

Y/N- how?

Lily- so there is this girl in my class she is like very silent and doesn't really talk to anyone except for me & I asked her if she wanna work in the café I work and she said yes!

Y/N- oh that's great but is she like good at it?

Lily- you can interview her about it you know, she will be here soon

(Lily said sitting happily across you while munching on the cookies, she was so focused on the door and so were you when again a pair of lips clashed on yours giving you a quick peck making you flustered and red again)

Lily- Y/n are you sure you are okay? you look really red

Y/N- i-i am...trust me!

(you said as Lily turned her attention back to door while you look at Loid who looked like he didn't knew what was going on)

Y/N- *this man is going to be the death of me*

(you thought as you hold your cheeks which were red)

Loid- *mission accomplished*


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