He Gets Jealous

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It was another normal day for you as you were busy with your customers. You looked at the clock knowing that it was about time that Loid is going to come so you started preparing his order. You were almost done when a customer called you.
Customer- hey miss, can i get a chocolate shake and a vanilla pastry.
Y/N- sure! please wait a few minutes
(you said smiling at him)
Customer- a-also y-you are so beautiful miss!
(he said nervously making you smile and blush a little bit at the compliment)
Y/N- thank you! *smile*
(little did you know Loid heard this conversation and you didn't seem to notice him entering the cafe)
Loid- Y/N can i have my order for dine-in
(he said in a monotone you nodded and smiled at him as he sat on a table near the guy who complimented you glaring at him)
Y/N- here's your order Loid and also try this blueberry muffin and tell me how is it? if it's good than i might add it in the menu
(he nodded as you went to bring the guy's order... since Lily wasn't around due to her exams)
Y/N- here's your order sir, enjoy
(you put his order on the table and were about to go but he held your wrist and you gasped)
Guy- please call me Jay! may i know yours?
(he said releasing your wrist)
Y/N- Y/N!
Jay- pretty name of a pretty girl...also can i get your number if you are single?
(you were about to say something but stopped as you looked at Loid who was fuming with anger and he crushed the muffin with his hands)
Y/N- w-well i am sorry i can't give you my number, i am seeing someone currently
Jay- oh man! i am sorry to bother you Y/N
Y/N- it's okay, please enjoy your food!
(you smiled as he nodded and you went to grab a tissue from the counter & went to Loid's table)
Y/N- how was the muffin Loid?
Loid- huh!? ask the guy why are you asking me?
Y/N- well i gave the muffin to you for tasting not to him
(he looked at him hands the muffin was crushed between his palms)
Y/N- *sigh* there's nothing to be jealous about Loid
(you said as you cleaned his hands but he yanked the tissue from your hand and started doing it himself)
Loid- i wasn't jealous!
Y/N- fine! suits you
(you said as you walked away and grabbed another muffin and started walking towards Jay but Loid stood up and took the muffin and putting the whole thing in his mouth)
Loid- mmMmMM....MmMmmmM
Y/N- *chuckles* eat before you speak
Loid- it was delicious and i-i gu-guess i was a little jealous!
(he said fixing his tie and got back to his seat as you just giggled and followed him)
Y/N- hehe i knew it...so should i add the muffin in the menu?
Loid- i think you should it tastes really good and also can you reheat my coffee
(you nodded and took his coffee to reheat and giving it back to him, and you went to deal with other customers)


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