He gets scared

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Loid stomps out the apartment still mad at you, all he wanted was to take care of your health but all you did was defend yourself by telling how much the café is important to you. He felt guilty to walk away from you like that when you clearly looked like you were about to faint. He decides to go back once his releases off all this chaos from his mind, he walked into the park where you and him first met after your 1st argument during the start of your relationship. He sat down on a bench near the fountain thinking about how this relationship has come so far. He was proud that he was finally able to feel & think like a normal person and not like a spy. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice someone sit beside him)

Lily- ahem ahem

(he gets out of his thoughts looking at the person sitting next to him)

Lily- hello Mr. my boss stealer

Loid- hello

Lily- what happened? you look down

Loid- nothing

Lily- had a fight with Y/n? (he doesn't reply) *sighs* I know you guys had an argument and I even know the reason behind it

Loid- how?

Lily- well I had an argument with her the other day for same reason. I told her to hire some new employees and take a week off but she won't listen to me.

Loid- she is too naive

Lily- *chuckles* you can say that but she has her own reasons you know

Loid- what kind of stupid reason it could be that she has to put aside her health?

Lily- if I was you I won't say it's a stupid reason

(Lily said with sorrow in her voice looking at the small tiffin in her hands. Loid senses her sympathy towards you and looks at her curiously)

Lily- you know Y/n is the strongest girl I have ever seen, I might fight with her and say a lot of stuff to her but I idolize her more than anyone in this world. The girl grew up without ever knowing who her biological parents were, had no foster parents, lost everything she had to get a job, survived alone, took me in when she herself was struggling but always provided me with what I needed.

Loid- how? if she had nothing then how did she managed everything?

Lily- well as of what she told me, after the orphanage she grew up in closed down she went to meet the old care taker and they provided her with something that supposedly belonged to her biological parents which they left for her to have which revealed to be an old building, which she turned into one of the most successful café in the state with her hardwork.

Loid- but how is that possible?

Lily- well the old care taker told her that during the war times her parents had to drop her off in the orphanage since they both did dangerous jobs before turning into civiliams and they didn't wanted the enemies to know about Y/n, so to protect her they had to let her go and supposedly the building was their home and a small tea & coffee shop they ran so that's what they left her.

(Loid looks at her as his mind starts to have flashbacks of the war, the war that made him lose his own parents forever)

Lily- Y/n never really talks about it, she only told me this once and never mentioned anything about it ever again. She just wants to keep the memories of her parents who she never saw alive, she never had a real home and the café is her home. She just wants to make her parents proud by continuing what they left.*sighs* anyways please don't bring this up to her or let her know what I told you. Also I have a small favour to ask please give this to her, I made her something to cheer her up. I'll see you around *smiles*

(and with that Lily hands him the lunch box and walks away. Loid stares at the lunch box when it hits him how he just walked away from you instead of talking things out. He instantly runs back to the house, his adrenaline level rising for some reason. Reaching the house he opens the door making his eyes go as wide as a plate. His body freezes as he looks at your unconscious figure on the floor. The lunch box slips off his hand as he runs upto you taking your weak frame in his arms. Guilt runs down his whole body as he looks at you with eyes glistening with tears. He shakes you up gently trying to wake you up, he cups your cheek looking at your pale face as he calls out your name.)

Loid- Y/n? wake up! Y/n! love c'mon wake up! I am not mad at you anymore! c'mon please wake up!

(he keeps calling out your name scared & worried. He checks for your nerves and was relieved that it was still going on which makes him relieved a little bit. He carries you in his arms taking you to your bedroom and gently placing you on the bed. He calls his colleague Franky and asks him to send a doctor at his place as soon as possible.
Around 20 minutes later the doctor arrives and Loid escorts him to your room. The doctor does some check-ups before telling Loid about your condition)

Doctor- there's nothing to worry about Mr. Forger, she got weak due to over working and not taking her food on time. As for now let her rest, I'll write down some medicines make sure you feed her after she is done taking her food. You need to make sure she eats on time and take breaks while working, the more water she will drink the more good for her.

(Loid was relieved to hear that you were okay and it wasn't something serious. He thanks the doctor and walks him to the door. Loid makes a quick run to the chemist shop and grocery shop before he takes a seat next to you as he takes care of you)

Loid- you scared me Y/n, you are too evil for doing this to me. Just get back to your cheerful self, i don't like it when you are like this.

(he said caressing your head with soften eyes, thanking god for not letting anything happen to you)


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