He is drunk

694 17 4

Your wedding went very well and so did the after party. Loid went overboard with everything from the decoration to the food, it felt like an occasion. You were really happy to be his wife now and so was he. You were with Lily and Sylvia talking about some random stuff. Sylvia was kind enough to walk you down the aisle and now come to the after party. You were enjoying yourself as Loid was having fun with his friends. It was rare to see him this happy but you absolutely loved watching him smile. Finally it was time for both of you to return back home. Saying your friends goodbye you and Loid drove back to the house. The whole ride Loid was very quite and kept looking at you once in awhile which was weird to you but you didn't say anything thinking that he might be tired. Once reaching your house he got out of the car and started to walk inside which made you surprised because he usually opens the car door for you. Not giving it a mind you followed him, opening the door you found him man spreading the couch.

Loid- Y/n! love! please come to me

(he said with a slur in his voice, he kept calling you as if you were inside your room giving you a clear sign that he was drunk. You walked to him and sat next to him)

Y/N- I am here hun *smile*

(he looks at you confused as if he saw you for the first time. His eyes widen at the sight of you making him wrap his arms around your waist as he lays down on your lap)

Loid- where were you all day I missed you

Y/N- *chuckles* i was with you , we came home together hun

Loid- we did?! *hiccup*

(he looked surprised at you as you nod your head. He buries his face again in your stomach making you giggle at his cuteness)

Loid- I want to get married to you

(he said his face turning crimson making you laugh at his cuteness)

Y/N- but we are already married love

(he looks at you again totally flabbergasted at your words)

Loid- we *hiccup* are?

(You nod running your fingers through his hair while he thinks about something. He takes your left hand and stares at the wedding ring)

Loid- I gave you this? *hiccup*

Y/N- yes you did love

(he then looks at you making you confused. He keeps staring at you with his orbs. You hold his face and give a peck on his lips making his face turn instantly crimson, he tries to avoid eye contact and buries his face again in your lap)

Y/N- *giggle* you are so cute hun

(He denies by groaning and moving his head in a no making your laugh)

Y/N- you are drunk hun should I make you some soup?

Loid- no I am not *hiccup* drunk

Y/N- yeah right

(You try to get up but his grip gets stronger around your waist)

Loid- *whines* stayyyy!

(You were shocked at how clingy and cute he acts when he is drunk. He takes your hand & puts it on his head so you can play with his hair. You chuckle and did what he wanted)

Loid- Y/n

Y/N- yes

Loid- you will not leave me right?

Y/N- ofcourse not silly

Loid- you will *hiccup* never go away right?

Y/N- no hun

Loid- you will love only me right?

Y/N- yes love

Loid- you will marry me right?

Y/N- *chuckles* ofcourse hun

Loid- you promise?

(You cup his face and make him look at you. You peck his forhead and then touched both of your forheads)

Y/N- I promise

(he smiles and moves forward to kiss you but since he was laying on the edge of the couch he fell down. He just lays there like a starfish while you try to control your laugh)

Y/N- are you okay?

Loid- what will happen to me? I am just laying on your lap

(he said trying to make himself comfortable while you try not to laugh)

Loid- you *hiccup* should go to sleep, it's our wedding tomorrow *hiccup*

(he said and laid on his side)

Loid- why is your lap *hiccup* suddenly so hard?

(he said patting the floor and then proceeds to use his arm as a pillow. You try not to laugh but he was looking so adorable with his pink dusted cheeks laying on the floor. You brought a blanket and a pillow and cover him up since you can't pick his muscular body. He slept on the floor like a baby.)

Y/N- sleep tight drunk baby *giggle*

Loid- mm...I love...you...marry...me Y/n...

(he mumbles in his sleep making you chuckle. You spend some more time next to him looking at him and hearing his drunk mumbles)


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