He needs attention

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(It was the Monday morning and surprise surprise you woke up late, like real late)

Y/N- shit i shouldn't have watched the extra episodes

(you said running here and there trying to get ready as fast as you can)

Loid- is everything okay Y/n?

(Loid asked from the living room but you didn't answer, he thought you didn't heard it so he shrugged it off.
Soon you came out running, took your coat, wore your sandals and ran closing the door behind you)

Loid- *what's up with her? she didn't even greet me*


(you ran into the café from the back door to not disturb the customers and came face to face with Lily)

Lily- AHHH! the fuck! you gave me a fucking heart attack

Y/N- i...am...sorry

(you said catching your breathe as you entered the kitchen taking off your coat)

Lily- i thought you were going to take the day off

Y/N- i am sorry...i know i was suppose to be extra early today but i got caught up watching a series last night

(you said washing your hands, wearing your apron and taking out all the ingredients for an order)

Lily- typical you...anyways you are lucky they are going to come late to take the order

(you left a sigh of relief and started preparing the large order of red velvet cookies)

Lily- here...

Y/N- what's this?

Lily- cookie dough...i prepared it since you were late

(she said handing you the cookie dough and walking away. You knew she was mad at you for coming late but you also knew she loved you nonetheless)

Y/N- thank you Lily!

Lily- it's the last time i am doing this!

(she said making you chuckle, you put the cookie batter on the baking tray and let it bake)

Loid- hey love!

Y/N- hi Loid

(you said entering the storeroom without looking at him. He frowned but then saw you coming with a huge amount of empty gift boxes)

Loid- i'll help you

Y/N- no need Loid i can do it myself, you go sit i'll prepare your coffee

Loid- well than i'll help you pack

Y/N- no need Loid, don't worry!

(you said walking past by him entering the kitchen again as you laid down the boxes.
Loid just walked out of the room and took his seat in the café, after around 10 minutes he noticed Lily coming to him with his coffee and a sandwich)

Lily- she is busy preparing the orders

(she said putting the coffee and his food on the table while he just nodded hiding his disappointment)

Loid- *she is this busy that she can't even serve me or greet me properly*

(he left out a heavy sigh and started eating his food. After finishing his food he pays for it and enters the kitchen to say goodbye to you)

Loid Forger x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now