You help him in a mission

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Sylvia- what? Y/n? are you- are you serious right now Twilight?

Loid- I certainly am

Sylvia- you are going to risk you wife's life for this mission?

Loid- um no, I am going to protect her and I just suggested her name to you

Sylvia- I mean I did asked for someone who is really observative but you literally suggested her name?

Loid- Y/n has really good observation skills even better than mine. She can literally see through your disguises

Sylvia- I don't believe you

after a few tests with you...

Sylvia- okay I believe you

Loid- told you

Sylvia- but she is not a spy Twilight, we will be risking her life

Loid- do I look like someone who would let his wife to get hurt? I know what I said when I suggested her name and we just need to find the guy right without violence

Sylvia- but still Twilight

Loid- if you don't like having her on this mission with me than where is Nightfall?

Sylvia- she is on a mission on the outskirts of town

Loid- what about other agents?

Sylvia- you already know Loid they aren't really skilled

(Sylvia said frustrated while Loid just kept looking at her. Sylvia looks at Loid and sighs in defeat)

Sylvia- fine but this is the first and last time

Loid- roger that

(Sylvia takes her leave and Loid walks back inside the house)

Y/N- what was that all about hun?

Loid- well Y/n I need you help

Y/N- yes what is it?

Loid- I want you to identify a criminal for me in a party

Y/N- *gasp* a criminal?

Loid- yeah don't worry I am going to be there with you along with my team

Y/N- but how can I?

Loid- just like you did a little while ago, your observation skills are very sharp. With a single look you were able to tell who wore a disguise. And the criminal we are trying to track down is a master in disguising himself. We only have a single picture of him and I believe that you can easily identify him.

Y/N- you think so?

Loid- I know so love

Y/N- b-but what if I mess up?

Loid- the chances of that is 0 but don't worry I have another plan too. We got the information that he is going to attend the Mayor's party disguising himself as a VIP and so I already secured places for us in the VIP section.

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