You are pregnant

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(It has been a few weeks since you have been feeling really weird. You would get random nosebleeds out of nowhere, you would get super irritated at small things and really tired. You thought maybe because you were overworking or stressed but than again you weren't stressed about anything neither were you working extra hours. You were really confused at all the weird phenomenon happening to your body.

You were currently in the kitchen cooking for you and Loid. You were feeling extremely tired, the smell of the food was feeling so strong and you kinda felt disgusted although you were just cooking some pasta. Loid was in the living room working on something when he heard you gag, he instantly walked into the kitchen and looked at you as you made a disgusted face)

Loid- what happened love? are you okay?

Y/N- I don't know I just find the smell of the food so strong for some reason, it smells kinda disgusting.

(he looked confused and came closer, he smells the food and look at you)

Loid- but it smells delicious love, and neither is the smell too strong

Y/N- then why am I finding the smell so strong? I guess my nose is has gotten sensitive to smells

Loid- do you wanna see a doctor?

Y/N- no, I think I'll be better in a few days

Loid- *he nods* here let me help you with the dishes

Y/N- thanks hun

(you smiled as he took the pot to keep it on the table. You took plates and followed him. Keeping the pot on the table he looks back as you enter the dining area. You smile at him as he extends his arms to take the plates from you give the plates to him and he starts setting up the table while you stood in your position. Dizziness slowly starting taking over you, you looked at Loid, his image blurry in your eyes. You whispered his name as you realised were slowly starting to fall backwards. Hearing the soft whisper he looks back and see you slowly starting to fall backward. He instantly takes your hand and pulls you closer to him, you fell unconscious on him and slowly start to slide down against him)

Loid- Y/n? Y/N?! Love?

(he sits down keeping you close to him as he gently taps your cheeks to wake you up)

Loid- love? hey! Y/N?

(he keeps his hand behind you back while the other behind your knees and picks you up taking you into the bedroom. Laying you down on the bed he calls a doctor.

Around 20 minutes later the doctor arrives. Loid tells him about the incident and the doctor assured him that everything is going to be fine. Checking your pulse and heartbeat. He then does a quick blood test. Waiting for some time when he checks the result he smiles a little.)

Doctor- there's nothing to worry about

Loid- but why would my wife suddenly faint then?

Doctor- it's cause she got dizzy because she is pregnant

Loid- oh pregnant, okay . . . What?! pregnant!?

Doctor- yeah congratulations you are going to be a dad, she is 3 weeks in.

Loid- 3 weeks?!

Doctor- yeah, from your reaction I am guessing her symptoms weren't major. It happens, not every woman have the same pregnancy symptoms, it's different for some. Like dizziness, having a strong sense of smell or taste, nose bleeds, increase in blood sugar level etc.

Loid- oh

Doctor- yeah, make sure you take care of her well and that she takes her food on time. The 1st trimester is quite crucial since there is always a chance of miscarriage.

(Loid listens to what the doctor has to say. He nods and assures that he will take care of you. After seeing off the doctor he came back into the room and looks at your sleeping figure.)

Loid- *i am going to be a father...i see. A FATHER?! OH MY GOD! I am so nervous! will it be okay to have this baby here?... i am having second thoughts about the baby...but*

(he moves close to you and gently keeps his hand on your abdomen.)

Loid- *i want the baby...i want to see the own very own child.*

(he thinks to himself and smiles at the thought of having his own child. He might be a spy but now he was a lover and husband too and soon he was going to be a father.)


(around 3 hours later you finally woke up. You sit straight trying to recall what happened when suddenly Loid walks in. He had a bouquet in his hand and a small box. You looked at him confused but didn't said anything. He came to you and sat next to you giving you the bouquet and the box.)

Y/N- what is this hun?

Loid- open it love

(you look at the box and then at him,he gives you a nod and you look back at the box and slowly open it. You saw little shoes and a note. You opened the note and read it)

"you + me = 3 ♡"

didn't got it? it's okay you are a baker so I understand. Check the bouquet for clear instructions:)

(you look at Loid and then at the bouquet and found another note.)

"Instructions: Preheat oven. Mix ingredients romantically. Cook bun for forty weeks. Sprinkle with love and serve to the world.
YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Your eyes widen and you look at Loid. He just looks at you with a smile, you look at the notes and read them again, the message, the baby shoes all now makes sense)

Y/N- am I really p-pregnant?

Loid- yes my love and that's why you fainted

(tears start to flow down your eyes as he clears your doubt. You hug him instantly and sniff.)

Y/N- I am going to be a mother! y-you are going to be father!

Loid- yes my love, we are going to become parents!

(you break the hug and hug the tiny baby shoes and squeal.)

Y/N- I am so happy!!! we will have a family of our own Loid! a little baby, our baby!!!

(you said excitedly and hugged him again. He chuckles at your excitement and caresses your head. He was getting emotional too but controlled himself. You break the hug and took his hand and put it on your abdomen, your hand on top of his.)

Y/N- our baby!

(you said with a huge grin. His eyes slightly widens looking at you, he then looks at both of yours' hands on your abdomen, a smile stretching on his face as he said...)

Loid- our baby.


Pregnancy era is here! khikhi(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

how are you guys doing? hope y'all are doing great!
The weather here is getting colder, and honestly I don't like winters, it makes me even more lazy.🙃

Do you guys like winters?

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