You both argue

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(Lily was now finally back to normal, you were happy that she wasn't sick anymore and that she was healthy. Although you wanted her to join back at work but her exams were around the corner so you didn't pressurize her and instead told her to study hard and get good marks. As for you it was extra work again since the winters were starting to disappear that means your winter special items won't be available until the cold season arrives again, due to which the customers were going crazy to grab the last batch of the winter special delicacies.

You now had to go to the café atleast 3 hours prior to the opening time to check and prepare all the items fresh. All this extra work was definitely taking a negative impact on your health as you now had a messed up sleeping and eating schedule. You definitely were getting weaker but didn't really cared about it. Loid kept noticing your actions and carelessness from the past few weeks but didn't said anything.

After passing another hectic day of total 13 hours without food and rest you came back to home and saw Loid sitting on the couch with a serious and pissed face. You weren't sure what actually was wrong with him so you decided to ask him)

Y/N- hey are you okay Loid?

(he looks at you but doesn't reply back making you confused)

Y/N- Loid answer me, what happened? is something wrong?

(he looks at you with a sharp gaze sending chills through your spine. He gets up from his seat facing you)

Loid- you tell me Y/n

Y/N- m-me?

Loid- yeah you, just because I don't say anything that doesn't mean I don't know what's happening

Y/N- what do you mean?

Loid- don't you see Y/n, don't you see yourself you are literally losing weight, you are not eating properly, you are overworking yourself and you are asking what do I mean?

Y/N- Loid you know I can't stop working or going to the café

Loid- I am not asking you to stop working or going to the café, I just want you to take some rest and relax for a few days that's it

Y/N- You know Loid I can't do that since Lily is busy with her exams so there is no other way, I have to work

Loid- Then let me help you in the café

Y/N-   Loid you have your own work, I don't want to pressure you with stuff like this and trust me I can manage this

Loid- oh for god sake's Y/n stop, stop being so selfless all the time! you need to be a little bit selfish, you can't just keep ignoring your health just because of your work. Take a break because you need one

Y/N- I can't Loid! I can't! I worked hard to get up to where I am, I can't just let it go like this just because I think I am unable to handle this

Loid- typical you!

(he frustratedly sighs and starts to walk away)

Y/N- Loid I know that you are concerned okay but you gotta understand me too

(he stops and turns to look at you and starts walking again)

Loid- do whatever you want to do Y/n

Y/N- Loid listen! don't walk away! LOID!

(the main door slams as you stood in front of it, feeling guilty and angry at your ownself)

Y/N- I get it w-what you are trying to s-say Loid b-but I can't do anything about it, I-i am tired myself but-

(suddenly you felt everything spin in front your eyes before you knew you fell unconscious on the ground. Your eyes weakly closing as you look towards the door whisering)

Y/N- I am sorry Loid

(a tear fell down your eyes as you close them)


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