Protective Lily

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Lily- OH MY GOD! how are you so good at this? Y/n your boyfriend is a fucking GENIUS!

Y/N- language Lily!

(you scolded your co-worker cum little sister. You were visiting Lily for the usual study session on a sunday afternoon when you met Loid on the way and he decided to tag along since he was free)

Loid- let's move on to the next question shall we?

Lily- yeah i guess... so the next question is What is Haversian System?

Loid- well, Haversian canals are a series of tubes around narrow channels formed by lamellae. The Haversian canals surround blood vessels and nerve fibers throughout the bone and communicate with osteocytes. The canals and the surrounding lamellae are called a Haversian system.


(Lily said holding her head with her hands dramatically, amazed by Loid's knowledge power)

Loid- *it's easy, i have went undercover as a Zoology student for three years studying and giving all the exams and passing with amazing grades.* *smirks*

Y/N- *giggles* well you really are very smart Loid, you both continue i'll bring some snacks for us.

(you said leaving them alone in the living room as you went outside to buy some snacks)

Loid- is something wrong with my face?

Lily- hmmmmmmm... you seem suspicious dude

Loid- *what!? did she figure out i am spy? there is no way she can but what if she really did? my cover will be blown, what if she tells Y/n and she leaves me for lying to her*

Lily- HELLOOOOOO! back to earth Mr. Loid, i know Y/n is not here but that doesn't mean you won't leave her alone even in your thoughts

(she said writing something on her notebook as Loid brushes off his thoughts)

Loid- what did you mean?

Lily- what?

Loid- what did you mean when you said i look suspicious?

Lily- oh that... well you have a pretty good knowledge so i thought that you might be a robot or something but i figured it out you are not...meh

Loid- oh *thank god she didn't know that i am a spy, phew that was close*

Lily- well can i ask you a question?

Loid- wasn't that you are doing all this time?

Lily- yeah i am but this question is different

Loid- go ahead then

Lily- do you really love Y/n?

Loid- huh...why so sudden?

Lily- well i am genuinely concerned as i am Y/n's younger sister, ofcourse not by blood but do you really love her?

Loid- yeah ofcourse, but why?

Lily- well Y/n has always been an elder sister to me, she has practically raised me and i don't want you treat her like a shit or something & then maybe cheat on her with some whore so i am just confirming if you do love her or not

Loid- *is this something related to
Y/n's past, i know she was in a relationship before, is it related to her past relationship, if it is than i'll make sure not to hurt her*

Lily- look Loid i don't know what kind of guy you are but i want you to treat Y/n like a princess no not princess but a Queen, she deserves nothing but love, she has always been selfless and would keep others as her priorty rather than keeping her own self, she won't even utter a word if she is hurt instead she would just secretly cry her heart out. So please take care of her and love her unconditionally, i know it sounds weird from someone who always fights with her but i can't deny that without her i wouldn't be here.
That girl had survived alone, raised me when she was struggling herself without anyone's help and support but i don't want her to be alone for her whole life. She deserves someone who makes her genuinely happy and after you have came into her life, i have seen her being the happiest she has ever been. So consider it as a request or maybe an order, you better not hurt her. GOT IT?

Loid- *nods* i promise i won't hurt and i'll love her with my whole heart!

Lily- good boy... now help me with the assignment

Loid- *i will do anything to protect her, to keep her happy, to not hurt her, i can't afford to lose her... i can't*

Lily- OH MY GOD! i get it you love her that doesn't mean you are gonna get lost in her thoughts

Loid- you are so dramatic

Lily- tell me something i don't know Mr. Loid Forger *hairflip*

Loid- *facepalms* shall we complete this?



Loid- Welcome back love *smiles*

Lily- damnnn! you can smile? didn't know you can show emotions beside keeping a poker face

Loid- yeah because this smile or any of my emotions only belong to Y/n

(your face turns crimson hearing his words as he gave you another smile with a pinkish tint on his cheeks)

Lily- okay okay i get it LoVeBiRdS!

Y/N- shut up Lily... by the way are you done with your assignments? if not than you ain't getting any snacks

Lily- HEYYYYYY! that's not fair you know!

Y/N- assignment completion=snacks, no other option

Lily- ughhh! fine MoOoOoOm!

(you gave her a smile, as she gets back to completing her assignment with Loid helping her. After her work was done the three of you played some board games and than had dinner together which was prepared by Loid. After the dinner you and Loid both took your leave and went to your homes)

Lily- i just hope Loid treats her right and not like that shitty bastard!


Decided to give Lily some more screentime since she deserves it doesn't she?😆well Lily being protective of you is a rare sight so here is her being protective👽

I have my exams going on but i managed to took out sometime to write this chapter😁if you guys have any ideas than make sure to drop it in the comments💕✨

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