You give him a surprise

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(Ever since Loid and you have been together and he told you that he is a spy you never really asked him about it. You don't know his real name or his birthday or any other information about him. Even though you don't care about all this but you are curious. You decided to ask him about this, hoping that since you both were married now he might tell you.

After coming back from work you found Loid sitting on the couch working on something, probably a mission you thought. Hearing your footsteps as you walked in he look at your direction, his lips curving in a smile)

Loid- hello love, how was your day?

Y/N- it was good *smile*

Loid- you don't have to worry about dinner it's already ready. I came home early so decided to make dinner

Y/N- thank you so much hun

(he raises his arm and cups one side of your face gently caressing your cheek. He leans in and pecks your lips softly)

Loid- c'mon you get fresh I'll put the dishes on the table

(You nod and went to your room getting changed in a fresh pair of comfy pajamas. Walking in the dining area you saw he has already served the food. You both sat down next to each other)

Y/N- hun can I ask you something?

Loid- anything love *smile*

Y/N- don't get angry, but what is your real name? you told me it's not Loid Forger and I know your code name, so what's your real name?

(you looked at him hoping him to get tensed or angry but he was calm and looked at you with a smile)

Loid- I was waiting for you to ask me this question. I don't have a real name. Ever since the war happened and I lost my parents I don't really have any memory of before that. I don't even remember my parents.

Y/N- so you have no real name, no birth date or anything

Loid- you are correct

Y/N- I am sorry for asking such questions

Loid- it's fine my love, as my wife you have the right to know everything about me so don't be sorry.

(he said holding your hand giving it a light squeeze)


(It has been a week since you asked Loid about his past. He has been on a mission for two days now and was going to return today. You have always seen him spoiling you with lots of surprises so this time you decided to give him a surprise, a birthday party. He was going to return back in the evening, so you got the whole day to plan this party. You wanted Lily to join you but she was on a college trip so you were alone. You bought all the decoration items a day prior and executed your plan. You decorated the entrance corridor with balloons which had sweet, short notes attached to the string of the balloons. In the living room you did a white and silver decoration with a neon 'happy birthday' writing. You also decorated the hallway with candles and white roses which leads to your room. You also decorated the bedroom with balloons, made a heart shape with petals and kept his gift in the middle of it. The candle than leads to the balcony where you had prepared a beautiful and comfy space with blankets, pillows, sheer curtains and lights to enjoy the dinner with him. You were really proud of your work and were now waiting for him to come home. You turned off all the lights and waited for him hiding in the balcony.

At around 7pm you heard the door knob make noise giving you a sign that he has arrived. Opening the door he walked inside and saw the balloons with small notes attached to them)

Loid Forger x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now