Someone confesses to you

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(It was just an another busy day in your café. The aroma of the baked goodies and the chit-chat of the people was all over the place. Serving customers, taking orders, preparing them was all you and Lily were doing. The day was going well. You were serving a customer who was being super nice to you which you didn't mind since you were being nice to him too)

Customer- um excuse me miss I would like another one of those double chocolate cookies please

Y/N- sure sir!

(You went inside and brought him his desired order with an extra of some other cookie)

Y/N- it's on the house sir *smile*

(You said serving him, since he ordered a lot of food and often visits your café you wanted to thank him with something)

Customer- thank you so much

(You bowed to him and left. The guy has been visiting your café ever since he visited for the first time around 2 months ago. He has build up a crush on you and wanted to ask you out totally unaware that you were married. He was patiently seating eating his order and looking at you work. His cheeks turning pink whenever you would caught him looking at your way and pass him a kind smile. He was determined to to confess to you today but not when you were working so he decided to come back later when it was the time to close your café.

After working the whole day you cleaned up the café and completed the remaining chores with Lily's help before heading home. Since you were tired you decided to ask Loid if he can come to pick you up if only he was free to which he ofcourse said yes. So after completing your work and seeing Lily off you sat inside your café patiently waiting for Loid to show up while sipping on some coffee/tea/your fav drink. You suddenly heard a vehicle pull up, thinking it was Loid you got up and walked outside but it was the same customer/guy from earlier)

Y/N- oh hello, we are closed for today

Customer- hey I know you guys are closed I actually came to talk to you miss

Y/N- oh is that so?

Customer- yeah so if you don't mind can we sit down and talk?

Y/N- um yeah sure

(You both went inside and sat on the nearby table. The guy was practically red since he was blushing so hard)

Y/N- so what did you wanted to talk about?

Guy- um actually I have been noticing you for a while now and i- i actually have a build a crush on you

Y/N- oh b–

Guy- I really really like you Miss L/n, so would you like to go out with me?

Y/N- I respect your feelings for me but I am alrea–

Loid- hey love!

(You heard Loid's voice, peeking over you saw him standing near the door. Your face instantly brightening seeing him, you get up from your place and ran to him. He open his arms for you and takes you in a hug)

Loid- how was your day love?

(he said kissing your forhead)

Y/N- it was good but quite hectic

Loid- is that so? how about i cook dinner today?

Y/N- but you would have been tired from all the work hun?

Loid- not at all, i didn't really had too much work, oh by the way who is he?

(he said looking over to the guy who was stunned)

Y/N- oh he is a regular customer of our café, this my husband, Loid Forger

Guy- oh n-nice to meet you sir

Loid- nice to meet you too, love can I get a coffee before we leave?

Y/N- sure, I'll be back in a few

(You said and went inside the kitchen. Loid eyes the guy up and down since he heard the confession unbeknownst to the guy. He walks up to the guy staring him with his sharp blue eyes sending shivers through the guys spine)

Loid- you better stay away from my wife, if you are a customer than stay one don't even think about making my wife yours! understand?

Guy- y-yes sir

Loid- good, you can take your leave now!

(he said in a threatening voice making the guy ran away from there. A few moments later you enter the arena with Loid's coffee)

Y/N- oh did he left?

Loid- yeah he said he was in a hurry

(You just nod in understanding and hand him his coffee. Keeping the coffee aside he pulls out a flower bouquet)

Y/N- *gasp* you don't have to hun!

Loid- why not? you deserve a lot more than this love

(he said making you blush, he smiles a little and gently pulls you closer to him and kisses you. His eyes moving from you to staring out of the window totally aware that the guy was watching them. The guy felt so devastated and heartbroken but ofcourse he couldn't do anything neither did he now wanted to get in problem with your husband so he just took his leave. Satisfied with the guy's departure Loid smirks in victory)

Loid- let's go home

Y/N- yeah!


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