You accidentally hurt him

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Loid- ready?

Y/N- yes!

(You both shared a look before you both started to punch the punching bags. Loid was training you since you wanted to learn some basic self defense and also that you find it really amazing how he fights. You nudged him to train you and let's say he was proud that you asked him to train you. Everyday he would spend at least an hour training you to learn basic fighting skills)

Loid- punch these now

(he said wearing his punch pads as you took your stance to get into action)

Loid- go!

(You gave him a nod and went straight into it. You can't deny it was a great way to release a lot of anger and stress. Yesterday wasn't the best day for you since you got a whole batch of your cookies messed up due to the new worker, who messed up the items. You were boiling with anger at that time but ofcourse you couldn't really say anything since she joined a week ago. So you decided to takeoff all the steam in the training)

Loid- *wow she is going pretty harsh*

(Loid thought to himself amazed at the power you were using right now. He was ofcourse dodging your attacks while you go brutal on him)

Loid- okay you can stop now love, we will move to the next part

(You come back to your senses and nod)

Loid- so this time you will attack me

Y/N- w-what?

Loid- yes, I need to see how much have you improved

Y/N- but what if you get hurt?

Loid- don't worry, I am trained aren't I?

(You nod and got ready to attack him. In the beginning it was easy for him to dodge your moves since you weren't going too fast or using much of your power)

Loid- don't worry love, I'll be fine you can go hard

Y/N- oh okay

(You said hesitantly taking your stance and took a deep breathe, and slowly breathe out. You focus all the power in your hands and attacked him. Loid was stunned at the sudden change in your power)

Loid- *I didn't expect this much power*

(You were now going fast and brutal causing him problems to dodge your moves properly)

Loid- *what is she thinking? it's getting hard to keep up*

Y/N- *my whole batch of red velvet cookies! ugh! you freaking idiot*

(You thought to yourself cursing your new worker and launch a hard punch towards Loid. Since he was quite not taking your attacks much seriously he failed to block the attack, the punch land on his face making him flew 2 metres away from you. You snap out of your thoughts feeling much better now but then you realized what you did)

Y/N- fuck! shit! L-Loid!

(You ran to him and saw him looking at you with a smile on his face)

Loid- don't worry I am okay *I am a trained spy afterall*

(It wasn't too long that his goofy ah-ass was passed out just after saying the above words making you freak out)

Y/N- oh god! what did I do?! Love! hun! please open your eyes you are scaring me now!


(It has been a good amount of time since he was blacked out pretty well by you. He slowly starts to open his eyes as you entered the room)

Loid- where am I?

(he said sitting up straight making you sigh in relax. You ran and took him in a hug)

Y/N- god you scared me hun! I was so worried I thought I killed you!

(You cried hugging him. After he passed out you somehow managed to drag him out of the training room to your shared bedroom. You were regretting that you let your anger take over you but you can't deny it felt amazing since you rarely get a chance let out your anger or frustration. It has been 3 hours since he passed out)

Loid- you got really strong

Y/N- shut it! do you know how scared I was

(You said breaking the hug. He wipes your tears and looks at you with a small smile unable to properly move his left cheek)

Loid- I am fine I was just overwhelmed from the sudden punch

Y/N- you had me worried

Loid- let's train on dummies from now hm?

Y/N- yes, no more using you as a training tool

(he chuckles a little and takes you in a hug)

Loid- * i need to make sure I don't anger her from now on, it hurts pretty bad *


Sylvia- what happened to your cheek Twilight?

Twilight- nothing

Sylvia- what do you mean nothing that's such a big bruise on your left cheek. As much as I know you didn't had to fight in any of your recent missions than how did this happened?

Twilight- *who is going to tell her that it was my wife who is an immature trainee but still was able to knock me out with a punch* it was an accident

Sylvia- it better be, I don't really expect you to get knocked out by Y/n or some weak criminal

Twilighy- yeah


the time he accidently slapped you, here is the completion of revenge (unknowingly) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

how are you guys doing? hope you all are well and taking good care of yourelf!!!(^▽^)

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