You both Make Up

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(You and Loid didn't saw each other for two days after your fight. You felt that you over reacted at the situation as you remembered you yelled at him while he was talking politely. He didn't even came to the café as he usually used to do.
You were at the café working alone since Lily was on her first college trip. You just opened café so there were no customers )

*bells jiggles*

Y/N- welcome to Mariposa Café!

(you said turning around as you saw a short man coming inside the café with a bouquet of blue roses)

Man- this is for you beautiful lady!

Y/N- f-for me? w-who sent t-hese?

(before you could process the whole thing the man disappeared, you took a look at the flowers as you noticed a note attached to it)

Dear Y/N ,
Meet me at ( random park ) at 5pm.
I'll be waiting for you!
~ Loid

Y/N- can't he just come and meet me *sighs*

(you had a normal day as you did what you usually do, you ended the day early since you have to meet Loid, he mentioned of some park as the meet up place so now you were heading there.
You reached the park few minutes early and saw no one there, you decided to wait for Loid near the fountain present at the middle of the park)

Y/N- he isn't here yet it's 5:10 pm... is he really that mad at me for yelling? ahhhh i shouldn't have yelled at him i am such an idiot!

(you waited for him another 20 minutes and he still hasn't showed up, you were worried as well as upset you regretted yelling at him. The weather was getting cold as the darkness takes over the sky)

Y/N- where are you Loid? i am sorry for yelling okay...

(you whispered to yourself, you were shivering now due to the cool breeze, you felt dizzy as you felt your knees giving up you had nothing to warm yourself as you didn't thought that the nights will get this colder so soon.
You were about to fall backwards but were caught by strong arms, you felt warm as the person pulls you closer to his body)

Loid- Y/N! are you okay? i am sorry for bein-
(he stopped mid sentence as you hugged him instantly)

Y/N- don't apologize! i should be the one apologising here...i am sorry for yelling at you, i shouldn't have over reacted at the situation

(you said breakimg the hug)

Loid- why are you apologising? i should apologise firstly i am sorry for punching your bestfriend i just felt a rush of anger as he flirted with you, i know i should have handled my anger but it just happened and secondly for making you wait here for long and that too on such a chilly night... i am sorry Y/N!

Y/N- i forgive you forgive me?

(he nods)

Loid- are we good now?

Y/N- yes! *achoo* sorry!

Loid- let's get you home and i'll make you some warm soup otherwise you'll catch a cold

(he said as he wrapped his jacket around your body and you both headed towards his car.
You spent the night cuddling with Loid under the warm sheets as he brought you warm soup)


hope you guys are enjoying the scenarios also i am taking requests<3

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