Sitting on his lap

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Just like any other no work day you were at the home reading books and munching on your favourite snack. Loid wasn't home so you were pretty bored and wanted to do something fun with him like going to an art museum or at the park or just stay at home and bake something. Closing your book you wandered in the house with a small piece of clothe and started cleaning here & there to pass your time when suddenly you heard the door open revealing your lovely boyfriend, you ran to him and welcomed him with a hug.

Loid- i am home

Y/N- welcome home

(you said with a big smile making him chuckle and kiss your forehead)

Loid- can you please get me some coffee love?

Y/N- sure!

(you ran to the kitchen & started preparing his coffee meanwhile he went to his room to change and came back to the living room setting up his laptop for work)

Y/N- here you go!

(you said placing the coffee along with some cookies and sat next to him looking at him work)

Loid- love do you want something?

(he said still focusing on his laptop taking a sip from the coffee)

Y/N- no

Loid- are you bored?

Y/N- yes

Loid- i am sorry love but i have to send this information by today so i can't get you out of the boredom

Y/N- it's okay i don't mind

(you said with a smile when suddenly your phone rang, you got up and checked it was Lily)

on the phone...

Y/N- hello Lily?

Lily- hey Y/n what are you doing?

(you walked out of the room to not disturb Loid and went to the balcony)

Y/N- nothing i was just getting bored

Lily- then why don't you ask him to have some fun with you?

Y/N- Lily i swear to god i am going to fire you for this

(you said blushing heavely as Lily was laughing on the other side of the phone)

Lily- i know you won't do that to your lovely little sister *laughs*

Y/N- shut up...aren't you teasing me alot about these things alot?

Lily- well you get flustered easily and it's really fun to see your blushing face

Y/N- wait till i cut off your salary

Lily- oh no no...i am sorry okay...geez

Y/N- *chuckles* so what was it that you called for?

Lily- oh yeah right so i saw a video on social media where this girl sits on her boyfriend's lap out of the blue

Y/N- aaaaaaaaaand?~

Lily- oh god are you this dumb? well i don't have a boyfriend well not yet, but you have one so why don't you try it?

Y/N- what's the point of this?

Lily- look you are getting bored so it's going to be fun and don't you wanna see his flustered face?

Y/N- *well she is right i don't really have anything to do and i am curious how he will react?*

(you thought to yourself & giggled )

Lily- hellooooo~ Y/n are you there?

Y/N- yeah yeah

Lily- so are you going to do it?

Y/N- i'll think about it

(you said instantly cutting off the call)

Lily- Y/n...hello?...this girl anyways i know she is going to do it *giggles*

back at your home...

(you walked back into the room and saw Loid still engrossed in his work, you quietly took the empty cup and plate and went to the kitchen. After a few minutes you saw him stretching and cracking his bones, you took your chance and went near him earning him to look at you)

Loid- hm?

(you said nothing and sat on his lap making him freeze on his seat, you turn back to look at him and noticed that his face was red now, you chuckled mentally and got up moving away with a smirk on your face but a strong hand pulled you back.
You dropped on his lap as he wrapped one of his hands around your waist while he worked with the other, he supported his chin on your shoulder leaving a satisfied sigh and taking your scent. You tried to get up but his grip was strong)

Loid- stay

(he whispered kissing your neck sending shivers through your spine making you turn crimson. You leaned your head back on his chest enjoying his touch and warmth.
Completing his work he looked over at you only to find you fast asleep with your fingers interwined with his making him chuckle)

Loid- *she makes me feel so good without even doing anything*

(he carefully picks you up and takes you to your room while you snuggled against his chest. He put you down on the bed and was about to leave but you made a grip on his shirt half asleep)

Y/N- stay

(you said and he did so laying next to you and pulling you close to him as you fall asleep again)


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