He Falls Sick

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(It was another normal day in your life, you and your busy café. As usual you & Lily were taking order & serving the customers their desired order. Like any other day Loid came and visited you but today he seemed a little different well maybe not little. His face was all red as if it's burning, he seemed a little uneasy and restless.
You went to him with his order and sat with him.)

Y/N- hey Loid are you okay?

Loid- yeah why?

Y/N- you look extremely sick

Loid- i am fine Y/N

Y/N- no you are not, you are lying!

Loid- no Y/N i am fi-

(you put your palm on his head and retarded your hand back as the heat coming from him was too much)


Loid- *is that really a thing to shout about? especially when their are customers* Y/N calm down

Lily- Y/N i don't know about Loid but you look sick...can you stop shouting and disturbing the customers?

(you looked around yoyrself as you saw some customers looking at you weirdly, your face turns red due to embarrasment)

Y/N - i-i am so so sorry for disturbing you all, i am really sorry please enjoy your food!

(you said bowing to each and every customer from your place as they take their eyes off you and you sit back)

Loid- *is she okay? sometimes i doubt is she even a normal?* what was that?

Y/N- i don't k-know and you don't change the topic, you need to rest! come i'll drop you to your home

Loid- you don't have to

Y/N- i said i'll drop you Loid

(you said as a scary aura arises from you as Loid gulps and nods)

Y/N- great then! *smile*

Loid- *how does her aura changes so quickly? is she even the same person?*

(you help him to get up and take him to his car. He was surprised to know that you know how to drive a car. He gave you the directions to his house as you drived. Reaching his apartment you helped him to get in bed once done you ran to the kitchen to make him some food.
You made him chicken soup along with some tea. You came back to the room with all the essentials)

Y/N- wait! i'll help you

(you said stopping him from using his strength to get up as you support him and help him to sit comfortably on the bed.
You took a spoonful of soup blowing it two times and putting in front of his mouth as he just stares)

Y/N- what? c'mon eat up or you won't get well sooner!

(you feed him the soup and give him a cup of hot tea)

Y/N- i am going to take some medicines so drink up the tea before i arrive!

(he nods as you take your leave to buy medicines. He stares at the cup of tea as he thinks to himself)

Loid- *it feels good when someone takes care of you doesn't it? my heart feels warm, it feels nice to have someone there for you, i never realized it when i was alone*

after sometime...

Y/N- i am back! Loid did you drank the tea? oh... you fell asleep well that's nice and you finished the tea...hm good boy! *chuckles* take care of yourself too Loid!

(you said as you sat beside him as you change the damp clothe on his forhead & checking his temperature regularly to see if the fever wore off)

in the morning...

(Loid's eyes flutter as the morning sun makes it's way in his room. He slowly opens his eyes trying to adjust to the bright morning sun. He felts a weight on his right hand as he turns his gaze and saw your sleeping figure. You were sitting on the floor, holding his right hand, as your left hand works as a pillow for you)

Loid- did she stay awake the whole night?

Y/N- take the medicines Loid...mm

(you murmur in your sleeps as he gives a small smile)

Loid- how are you so selfless? you stayed up all night taking care of me and never left my side even when you are asleep? why? *do i really deserve all this? do i deserve all this treatment? do i deseve you? being a spy might have made me live & suffer alone but now having you seems great...afterall a company isn't that bad!*

Y/N- don't act like a child and drink the medicine...mm Loid...

Loid- weird girl


WAIT! 400+ READS?! THANK YOU SO SO SO SOOOOO MUCH Y'ALL😭❤🙏🏻 i am so happy right now i can't even explain!!! thank you reading this book my lovely reader besties💕✨you guys are so precious to me!!!

                  ~xoxo, emotional author😭

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