You meet his co-workers

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(It was a peaceful day, you preparing orders, Lily serving the customers on a chilled winter day. It was almost the time of your lovely boyfriend to come to your work to meet and have lunch with you. Since the café was pretty crowded you were helping Lily with serving too since it was almost the lunch break, when suddenly you heard the door bell jingle. You looked at the door and saw Loid coming in along with some other people. You greeted all of them and showed them a large table since they were 5 people in total Loid, 2 females & 2 males)

Lily- what would you all like to order?

Sylvia- i'll have a cappuccino with a chocolate croissant

Franky- i'll have a chocolate tea shot with corn grilled sandwich

Loid- i'll have my usual

Fiona- i'll have a cup of tea

Kyle- a latte with a blueberry muffin

Lily- okay, please wait a few minutes your order will be here soon

(Lily said with a smile and left)

Franky- is she the owner?

Sylvia- no the woman on that table serving the order is the owner

Kyle- damn she is gorgeous!

Franky- she definitely is but that worker is prettier

Fiona- *men...but i admire Loid senpai for not commenting or giving a damn about those women...ah Loid senpai i love you* we should discuss the matter we are here for

Loid- hm *she isn't looking at me i guess she got to know that they are my co-workers, she is so smart*

Sylvia- so Kyle what's the status?

Kyle- after plenty of research it has been noticed that kiwi *target* has migrated from lower Australia *state building garage* to upper region *the clocktower*

Sylvia- hm it will be easy for us to capture a picture of the Kiwi *track him down before his plan successes*

Y/N- here's your order, hope you enjoy

(you said giving them all a smile and went back to work again)

Kyle- oh man she is so sweet and gorgeous

(Sylvia eyes Loid since she knew about your & Loid's relationship. Loid look unbothered but he wanted to beat the shit out of Kyle for constantly staring at you)

Fiona- we should focus on what we are here for

Franky- oh man that girl is so cute~

Sylvia- *the girls do have some charms they can easily be a spy* focus both of you

(They again continued their meeting which lasted for around 30 minutes although it would have ended early if only Kyle & Franky were focusing on the meeting instead of you & Lily respectively. Loid was annoyed but he couldn't let anyone know that you are his girlfriend so he kept silent during the whole meeting. Soon there meeting came to an end and they paid for their orders. Sylvia gave you a small smile before leaving since you met her after you were rescued by Loid.
After paying they all left the café and you & Lily got back to cleaning & serving again. Around 20 minutes later Loid came back)

Lily- what are you doing here again?

Loid- that's not a way to talk to a customer

Lily- yeah yeah, Y/n is in the kitchen

Loid- thank you

(he said and went to the kitchen, entering the kitchen the first thing he did was backhug you making you startle)

Y/N- how was the meeting love?

Loid- boring as usual

Y/N- so were they your co-workers?

Loid- yes

Y/N- Sylvia seems really nice

Loid- *if only you knew what she is capable of* well yeah

Y/N- who were the others? don't answer if it's something you know, i just asked out of curiosity

Loid- well the woman with white hairs was Fiona Frost an apprentice of mine, the curly haired guy was Franky and the guy with the hat was Kyle

Y/N- Franky seems to like Lily *chuckles*

Loid- how do you know?

Y/N- observation skills haha, well the way he kept looking at Lily made it obvious

Loid- you are right

Y/N- do bring your co-workers more i would love to serve them

(you said with a smile)

Loid- sure * i would bring anyone except Kyle*


the text written this way represents the code & the one written *this way* represents its meaning👀 hope you guys get what i am trying to say😂

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