You Fall Sick

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(You were on a leave since you were suffering through fever, you thought it was maybe because of the day you were out in the cold weather without anything to cover up your body and make you feel warm.
So here you were lying on the bed lazily trying to fight the stupid fever)

at the Café...

Lily- what can- oh Mr. Loid your regulars right? (he nods) i'll be right back!

(Lily came back with his regular order and placed them in front of him)

Loid- excuse me Lily but where is

Lily- oh she didn't told you...well she is suffering through fever so she took a day off

Loid- oh okay thanks *why didn't she told me that she was sick? i'll go and check on her*

at your house...


Y/N- who is it now? is must be Lily
(you groaned annoyingly as you wanted to get some sleep but you were restless due to the fever as you were getting irritated by every small got up and went downstairs to open the door, you felt really weak as you needed support after every 3 step)

Y/N- Lily what is i-

(you said opening the door and saw Loid)

Loid- hello Y/N

Y/N- L-Loid what are you *coughs* doing here?

Loid- since you didn't found it important to tell me that you were sick so i decided to check on you

Y/N- i-i a *coughs* am sorry! i thought *coughs* you were busy wit *coughs* work

(you were trying to keep yourself standing but your legs had other plans as the decided to give up, you were about to fall but Loid grabs you in time)

Loid- *sighs* let's get you to bed first

(he said as he picks you up in bridal style & takes you to your room and tucks you in bed. He than goes to bring a bowl of water, warm blankets and a clothe to put the damp clothe on your forhead)

Y/N- L-Loid you don't have to *cough* i will ma-

Loid- shh...i want to and you just rest!

(he said putting the damp clothe on your forehead and leaves.
Soom he enters the room wearing your apron with some warm soup and medicines on tray in his hands)

Loid- i know you haven't eaten anything so have some soup, take the medicines and go to bed

(he said putting the tray on the table beside your bed and helps you to get up putting a pillow behind your back)

Y/N- i am have to *coughs* do all this because *coughs* of me

Loid- stop apologizing Y/

(he says as he puts a spoonful of soup in front of your mouth for you to drink as he feeds you. You open your mouth drinking the soup as the warmth of soup soothes your dry throat. He feeds you the soup and then gives you the medicines.
Taking the medicines he makes you lay down as he pull the blankets and again puts a damp clothes on your head)

Y/N- thank you Loid

(you said with a weak smile as you felt your eyelids getting heavy)

Loid- just sleep and take some rest!

(you look at him with sleepy eyes and soon drift to sleep as he looks at your sleeping form admiring your face)

Loid- don't be so selfless Y/ need to look after yourself too okay *smiles*

(he said as he smiles hearing your little snores. He spends the whole day taking care of you as he changes the damp clothe, does all the chores for you, makes dinner etc.
He didn't let you get out of bed if it was for any work purpose.)

WOAH WOAH WOAH 300+ READS!!!😱❤thank you so so so so soooooo much y'all for reading this book my dear lovely reader bestiesss!🦋✨
Also the updates are going to be a little slower since i am back to my college routine moreover i have a 5 hour rehearsal schedule everyday so please bear with me🙏🏻🌸
also requests are open, feel free to drop any request!💓

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