You met Anya

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||This is more of a headcannon kinda part||

[So it's like a situation where you didn't met Loid and he was looking for a fake wife.]

Requested by- CodilynLunn


Another peaceful day in your café, pulling the "Open" sign you smiled and went inside to get back to your work. It has been hardly 6 months since you started this café and being the new buisness owner your café was doing pretty well and caught attention of many rich people living in the city. You were humming a song while working lost in your little world when suddenly the bell near the door jingles catching your attention.

Y/N- welcome to Mariposa Café

(you said looking towards the door but no one was there, your face had a confused expression)

Y/N- *oh i thought someone entered the café, am I hallucinating?*

Anya- Anya is here

(your eyes widen at the sudden voice, you bent over the counter and saw a little pink haired girl with two horn shaped hair ornaments wearing a black frock with a white bow near the neck. She was looking at you with her big green orbs making you melt at her cute face)

Y/N- *ah she is so cute, her big green eyes are so pretty* hello little one

Anya- Anya!

Y/N- my apologies, hello Anya how may I help you?

Anya- chi-chi and Anya are playing hide seek

Y/N- oh well you can hide here in the café *well isn't the father too careless what if something happens to his daughter?*

Anya- Anya asked chi-chi to play with her outside

(you were shocked at how does she said something that you were just thinking, you decided to shrug it off)

Y/N- well Anya you can sit there if you want to

(Anya stands there looking at all the food you had displayed behind the glass case, you noticed where she was looking which made you chuckle)

Y/N- you want some Anya?

Anya- Anya want this one!

Y/N- oh the "Spy-Wars" one, I am glad you chose it I recently included that in the menu

(Anya looks at you with her sparkling green eyes)

Anya- *chi-chi would lover her as Anya's ha-ha*

Y/N- you can sit down while I bring you the dessert Anya

(Anya does as you say as she patiently sits down on a nearby table looking at you preparing her some snacks. Soon done you bring her the dessert she wanted along with some chocolate milk. You smile seeing her eyes lit up with excitement)

Anya- Spywars, Chocy milk waku waku!

Y/N- so what does Anya likes?

Anya- Anya likes peanuts!

Y/N- peanuts? well I guess I might have some *I think Lily has some in her small snack chamber, I can give it to Anya, I'll buy Lily some more later*

(you got up and brought a packet of peanut when suddenly a guy barges into your café, he was a tall man wearing a green suit along with hat. He had blonde hairs and blue eyes, he was panting excessively which you thought was because he came running )

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