Calling Sweet Names

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(You and Loid were on your usual weekend date although due to his "wOrK" he wasn't able to take you out a lot but he would still manage take to take you out on a date once in a while.
You both were heading towards the amusement park which recently started in the city.
You were really excited for all the rides & food. You & Loid paid for your unlimited ride tickets as you look at the rides with shining eyes.)

Loid- you like amusement parks alot don't you?

Y/N- I LOVE THEM!!! i remember when i was a child being all excited about the fair and rides but never got a chance to ride & have fun like other privileged kids....but anyways i can't wait to have fun with you on the rides!

(you said giving him a big smile as you started dragging him to the first ride)

Loid- *we share the same childhood struggles but she still manages to smile so bright whereas me, i struggle to show any emotion*

Y/N- Loid c'mon! we can't miss any ride

Loid- don't worry we won't miss any ride Y/n

( for the next few hours you kept running here and there from one ride to another, living your childhood dreams as Loid just follows you like a puppy and admires you)

Y/N- that was so fun! wasn't it Loid?

Loid- it really was

Y/N- let's go and have some food i have heard that the food here is really good

(before he could say anything you again started dragging him.
You both ordered your food and sat down on the table. Next to your table there was another couple being lovey dovey not to much but you could tell they were so in love)

Guy- babe have some

(the guy said taking a spoonful of his food as he feeds his girl)

Girl- mmh... that's so delicious baby! have some of mine... how is it?

Guy- it's amazing but not as good as mine sweetheart

Girl- well i agree with that!

(they both started laughing as you looked at them with aww. Loid noticed you looking at them)

Loid- *babe? baby? what's all this? is Y/n disappointed at me for not showing her enough affection? i hope she doesn't leave me...i feel guilty for not making her feel loved enough, she deserves someone better than me but i don't want to lose her*  Y/n are you okay?

Y/N- huh...uh...yeah i was just looking at them, aren't they cute?

Loid- hm but what's up with the babe, baby and sweetheart?

Y/N- *giggles* well these are sweet names or say nicknames

Loid- but they can use each others real name?!

Y/N- *giggles* yeah...but it's just a way of expressing love to each other by calling them with sweet names, it's common in relationships these days

Waiter- here's your order mam & sir

You & Loid- thank you!

Loid- now that i think about it i didn't gave you or called you with a sweet name

Y/N- huh?

Loid- i want to call you with a sweet name too

Y/N- really? you know Loid you don't have to if you don't want to

Loid- but i want to...what should i call you?

Y/N- i don't know, you think? *giggle*

Loid- my love!

Y/N- huh?

Loid- i'll call you love or my love!

Y/N- any specific reason?

Loid- it's because you made me feel an emotion which i never thought i will ever feel & i.e, love. You have always made me feel loved with just your existence so i couldn't find any better sweet name besides my love!

(he said as you listen to him with all your attention, you felt heat rising in your cheeks listening to his words. You never felt this happy since you never had someone else to show you affection besides Lily)

Y/N- i love it!

Loid- you did? i am glad my love!

(you gave him a big smile as he gives you a soft smile.)

Loid- *just a sweet name made her so happy? i love it when i make her happy & when she smiles, she is so precious*

You both finished your food and were now on the way out of the amusement park as you both spot the couple again)

Loid- *thanks to these two i was able to express my love to Y/n*

Y/N- *thank you to them now i know that Loid  does love me alot*

(you both smiled at the couple as they both smiled back at the two of you as you & Loid make your way to your homes)

Guy- why did they smiled at us babe?

Girl- i don't know baby but they both looked so good & happy together

Guy- yeah, let's go home babe!

Girl- ok baby.


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