Your First Kiss

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(Well your first kiss was kinda unexpected since you didn't really thought it would take place so soon and in such a unique way.
You and Loid were sleeping on couch at your house. You got up to the sunrays falling on you face, you woke up to Loid still sleeping. His face looked so peaceful, full of innocence, it looked like he can't even hurt an ant but little did you know who he actually is.
You woke up, got fresh and decided to cook some breakfast for both of you.)

Loid- good morning Y/N

Y/N- morning Loid...did you had a good sleep?

Loid- yeah...what are you doing?

Y/N- i am preparing batter to make waffles for breakfast *smiles*

Loid- oh...Y/N can i use your bathroom?

Y/N- yeah sure! wait let me get you some clothes and towel

Loid- clothes?

Y/N- don't worry not my girly clothes, i do have some oversized outfits i bought and they are from men's section *giggles*

(you went to bring him the essentials as he followed you, giving him the stuff you lead him to the bathroom as he went to shower and you went to make the breakfast)


(you both were sitting and enjoying the waffles)

Y/N- how is it? do they taste bad?

Loid- no they are delicious Y/N

Y/N- do try them with whipped cream they taste delicious
(you said taking a second bite of waffle with whipped cream)

Loid- ok sure

(he said as he paused for a moment and you turned to face him and were about to say something but he pressed his lips on were shocked and were trying to process everything as he deepens the kiss a bit and you made a grip on the collar of his t-shirt as he pulls your face closer savouring your lips.
Soon he broke the kiss and licks his lips and looked at you who was now a blushing mess)

Loid- you were right! waffles and whipped cream really tastes delicious

(he said turning to the plate in a front of him with a expressionless face as he takes a bite)

Y/N- y-yeah


Loid- i'll take my leave now...thanks for the lovely breakfast

Y/N- the pleasure is all mine!

Loid- bye have a great day

Y/N- you too!

(you closed the door as Loid walks to his car, you ran towards your bed as you hid your face in the pillow still trying to process the kiss, your face was red like a tomato)

Loid- *how did i managed to do that? i hope she doesn't think i am weird, freak or something! but her lips were so soft and tasted like cherry...oh god!* (he thinks with slight blush has he drives his car)


Lily- why are you so red Y/N?

Y/N- eh...what? no i-i am not!

Lily- yes you are!

Y/N- it's cause it hot today

Lily- umm...Y/N we have like 3 ACs in the café!?

Y/N- so w-what? i feel hot! now g-go serve the customers

Lily- fiiiiiiiine! you are acting super weird today!
(she said as she left you alone and went to serve the customers)

Y/N- *why can't i stop thinking about the kiss! what the heck is wrong with me? is it because i never really had a good kissing or any romantic experience? OHH GOD STOP THINKING ABOUT THE FREAKING KISS Y/N! b-but his lips were so freaking soft and plumped...his lips felt so good against mine AHHHHHH*

Customer- hello? miss?!

Lily- Y/N! HEY!

Y/N- huh! uh w-what?

Lily- there's a customer trying to give their order

Y/N- uh ye-yeah! i am so sorry mam

Lily- sorry for the inconvenience mam she isn't feeling really good today!

Customer- oh it's fine please take care

Lily- Y/N  you should take a leave...what was your order mam?

Y/N- *i too think so*


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