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(feeling a soft touch on your cheek and the subtle morning sunrays falling on your face, you gently open your eyes adjusting to the light. You noticed you were in the soft bed tucked under the warm blanket while two blue orbs look at you with a hand softly touching your cheeks. You looked at the man next to you making you instantly smile and blush as the events from last night flooded in your mind. You move closer to him wrapping your arm around him and nuzzling into his chest trying to get his warmth as much as possible. His hand now moves from your cheek to your bare back pulling you closer to him)

Loid- had a good sleep?

Y/N- yes, how about you?

Loid- me too

(he said followed by a kiss on your forehead)

Loid- how are you feeling? are you sore? did i hurt you too much?

(his voice showing clear worry, you look at him and caress his cheek)

Y/N- I am okay, kinda sore I guess but definitely not hurt

(you said and pecked him lips, his hand moving towards your face, he softly runs his fingers on your tear stains. You hold his hand giving it a kiss)

Loid- I love you, my love!

Y/N- I love you more and more

(he chuckled as you grinned happily. You both spent a few more moments on the bed cuddling with each other before you both decided to get up and start your day. He helps you to get out of bed giving you his shirt to wear. He picks you up in bridal style and takes you to the bathroom)

Loid- take your time okay and when you are done just call me don't walk off alone

(You smile and nodded as he left not before giving you a kiss on the cheek. You took a moment staring at yourself in the mirror noticing the marks that you gained from last night. The sight of the lovebites across your neck and chest turned you red. Once done with your routine you called Loid, he carried you back on the bed)

Loid- I already called the room service so let's wait

(You nod as he sat next to you holding your hand, his thumb rubbing on your hand. Soon the room service arrived and you both enjoyed a hearty breakfast. You both spent the time after the breakfast talking about various things and planning the fun activities you both are going to do the next few days of your vacation. He even gave you a massage to relax your muscles and drive the pain away. His touch was so gentle, he was handling you like a piece of glass. After having lunch you both enjoyed some movies and cuddled with each other. He didn't let you walk the whole day, he would just carry you around. When the sun started setting he arranged a table with tea and snacks to enjoy the sunset scene with you. After which you both enjoyed stargazing and talked alot. You both felt more connected now, everything between you two got more stronger from the bond to the love.

While talking he would even apologize to you for ruining your body with lovebites although you told him that it didn't bother you. He even apologized for your sore muscles. You would just give him a kiss to assure him that he did nothing wrong and it didn't bothered you at all. After having dinner you both went on the beach and sat there enjoying the cold breeze coming from the sea. Your head laid on his shoulders and his head on yours. Fingers intertwined while his hand wrapped around you)

Loid- you mean alot to me and I hope you know that

(he said grabbing your undivided attention)

Y/N- I love you alot and I hope you know that

(You said making his cheeks turn pink, he pulls your face closer to his and leans in for a kiss. Capturing his lips with yours you return the kiss with passion and love.

The moon shined on both of you while the stars were your spectators.)


Thank you so much for 1K votes on this book (ಥ﹏ಥ) ♡ it means alot! Thank you for reading, commenting and voting! I appreciate you all my lovely reader besties❤️✨️

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