Baking with Him

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(it was a day off for both you and Loid as it was Sunday, since Loid asked you to teach him baking so here you both are at your home in your kitchen mixing ingredients to bake some cookies)

Y/N- now we are going to mix them well and then set it aside

Loid- and now?

Y/N- now we are going to melt the butter halfway and take it from the heat and stir till melted. This way the butter cools quickly. This is important because hot butter shouldn't cook the egg.

Loid- oh okay okay

Y/N- now put the sugar in a medium bowl and add the cooled melted butter and mix well.

Loid- like this?

Y/N- yes now add in the egg and vanilla and stir well . . . okay now we are going to add the dry ingredients mixture in 2 batches

Loid- it looks sticky Y/n are you sure we are doing it right?

Y/N- yes, now don't doubt my skills & the mixture might look sticky but it is easy to make balls out of this dough

Loid- okay

Y/N- now we are going to bake it for 8 minutes

(Loid nods putting the cookie balls in the oven & walking back to you.
You decide to work on matcha cookies while you both wait for the cookies to bake.
You were looking for the new packet of flour which was present on the top shelf, struggling you decide to climb the counter but due to the butter the counter was slippery and you slipped falling backwards but two strong arms caught you mid air)

Loid- you could have asked me for help

Y/N- yeah... i know

Loid- what if i wasn't here? you would have fall on the floor hurting yourself

Y/N- i am sorry

Loid- be more careful okay?

(you nod still in his arms as he brought make you sit on the dining area's counter)

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Y/N- the cookies are done!

(you exclaimed excitedly making him chuckle as he takes out the cookies from the oven letting it cool on the counter top)

Loid- i'll make some hot chocolate to go with the cookies

Y/N- okay *smiles*

(he started preparaing the hot chocolate while you just admired him from the counter top)

Loid- Y/n please bring the whipped cream

Y/N- sure!

(you brought the whipped cream from the fridge squeezing it out and eating it)

Y/N- here!

Loid- thank you

(he said looking at you while you gave him an eye smile unaware of the fact that you had whipped cream on your lips)

Y/N- what happened is something wrong?

(he didn't said anything as he leans in to kiss you leaving you stunned but soon relaxing you started kiss him back sharing a long and passionate kissing session. Pulling out from kiss you silently went back to sit on the counter top still flustered as Loid comes back with two cups of hot chocolate putting it next to the cookies)

Loid- there was some whipped cream on your lips

Y/N- oh

(you were disappointed that he didn't did it out of the blue but soon you were out of your thoughts as you felt a pair of lips on yours as Loid cupped your face and started to kiss you out of nowhere, you held his hand as you kissed him back which soon turn out into a makeout session.
After completing the session you were pretty shocked trying to figure out what just happened and so was he.
Not to make things awkward you peck his lips and gave him a smile)

Loid- what was that for?

Y/N- a reward as you did a great job making the cookies *smile*

(he stares at you for a couple of minutes before pecking your lips leaving you confused)

Loid- for teaching me how to bake

Y/N- my pleasure! shall we taste?

Loid- sure

Y/N-'s delicious and so is the hot chocolate!

Loid- it means i can replace you from your café

Y/N- heyyyyy!

Loid- *chuckles* i am kidding, no one can replace you neither from the café nor from my life!

(you turn crimson hearing his words as he gives you a forhead kiss with a smile )


hehe! this chapter contained alot of kisses doesn't it?🤭 well since Loid is opening up with his feelings and emotions to you more than there should be more love scenes😉💕
do drop your views on the chapter and ideas if you have any!

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