You have mood swings

471 18 2

Loid- love stop crying already, it's not even that serious

Y/N- I know but I can't

(Loid sighs as he looks at you bawling your eyes out over a cat video on your phone. The video was of a cat purring in happiness as his master scratches and pets him. You were watching the video and kept crying. Loid was worried at your this state but he knew you will go through the stage of mood swings but not this soon and this intense. He sat next to you trying to calm you down.)

Loid- *what should I do? as the best spy of Westalis how am I unable to understand how mood swings work? I need to go in the depth of this. Mission:Mood Swings starts now!*

(as your pregnancy went on further so did the mood swings. Loid was brainstorming to do anything possible to understand your mood swings and act accordingly but poor guy would fail horribly.

One night as you and Loid went to sleep you were unable to sleep due to some reason. So you got up and sat up straight and saw that Loid was sleeping peacefully. You nudged Loid gently.)

Y/N- Loid...

(no response)

Y/N- Loid...

(no response)


Loid- huh w-what? what happened?

(he woke up startled and turned on the light.)

Loid- what happened love? is there a problem?

(you move your head in a no making him sigh in relief.)

Loid- then why are you up so late?

Y/N- I am craving ice cream

Loid- ice cream? at 2 am in the morning?!

(you nod looking at him)

Loid- *okay Loid you have read about this you know the answer!*  love you are just tired and we don't have ice cream at home, so you should just sleep okay

(as soon as he said that something in you just clicked as if he touched a nerve.)

Y/N- you think I should sleep?

(he nods)

Y/N- oh! so I should sleep? you aren't getting me ice cream?

Loid- I will get you tomorrow love, it's 2 am in the morning so just sleep okay,I'll get you some tomorrow

(he said and lay down again on the bed peacefully)

Y/N- right. After all since I am pregnant I am annoying now.

(he opens his eyes wide open and looks at you)


Loid- *breathing heavily* I got... every single flavor that...was available at the store...

Y/N- thanks love you are the best!

(you said scooping out some ice cream and happily devouring it.)

Loid- *I underestimated her mood swings. I have never seen her so menacing...that too over ice-cream. You could have died today Twilight.*

(he thought to himself looking at you as you happily enjoy your ice cream. A smile appears on his face.)

Loid- *it's hardly ever that she asks me for anything, so it's quite a nice change to see I guess.*

(he just admires you as you get lost in your little world of ice creams.

In the end he locked away the books that claimed to have every solution of the mood swings. He decided to just enjoy the little emotional breakdowns and tantrums you would throw at him while he can. He did failed in his 'Mission: Mood Swings' but it was worth to see you go crazy over simple things. )


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