You Get Jealous

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Today was your and Loid's day off so he planned to take you out on a date. You were really excited since it has been a few days that he visited you at the café due to his work.
You both were walking to your picnic spot which was near the lake, you noticed a group of college girls having fun there. You both reached your spot as Loid starts preparing for the picnic. He places a picnic mat on the green grass and asks for your hand so that you can sit first.

Y/N- thank you

Loid- the pleasure is all mine

(you giggled as he helps you take out other stuff from the basket for your picnic date. Suddenly you noticed some girls looking at Loid with heart eyes as you heard them)

Girl 1- did you saw? he is such a gentleman

Girl 2- and handsome too! aw man i wish he was mine *pouts*

Girl 3- he clearly is taken!

Girl 2- but we should give a try who knows if our luck shines?

(you gritted your teeth in anger)

Loid- Y/n are you okay?

Y/N- huh...uh y-yeah i am totally fine

Loid- are you sure? *you nod* okay then... also can you wait here? i forgot to bring something from the car

Y/N- yeah sure *smile*

(he gave a small smile as he went to bring the stuff, you kept eyeing on the girls as how they were fangirling over your man, you wanted to punch the shit out of them but you controlled yourself. Soon you saw Loid coming to your direction with a bouquet of blue roses as he came and sat down)

Loid- i forgot these *you smile*

Girl 2- oh wow those flowers are pretty, mind if i take them?

Loid- i am sorry but these are for my gorgeous girlfriend and she is right here

Girl 2- oh c'mon she won't mind if i take one

Y/N- and what if i mind?

Girl 2- huh

Y/N- haven't you heard of personal space?  if not then could you please just move your ass, me and my boyfriend are trying to enjoy our date so mind giving us some space!

Girl 2- i am sorry i thought you were his girl-friend

Y/N- yeah you thought! now move and join your friends instead of ruining our date

(you said with clear annoyance and jealousy in your voice as the girl says sorry and goes back to her group of friends)

Loid- are you jealous?

Y/N- wh-what? no i am not!

Loid- you clearly are

Y/N- no why w-would i be jealous?

Loid- i don't know you tell

Y/N- *why do i have to act like that? i am dumb ain't i? ahhhh Y/n you dumbass, why you gotta be so obvious*

(you were lost in your thoughts when suddenly you felt a pair of soft lips on yours. Yours eyes widened in surprised but you gladly returned the kiss. Breaking the kiss your face was all red)

Loid- you don't have to be jealous, i love you and only you okay?

(you nod trying to hide your red face
from his as you hear him chuckle. As he arranges all the items for your date)

Girl 1- he kissed her! *squeals*

Girl 3- told you he was taken

Girl 2- yeah yeah my fault!


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