Wedding Plans

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Sylvia- Twilight are you serious?

Loid- I am

Sylvia- you know right what you are talking about? you sure you are not out of your mind?

Loid- I am sure I am not

Sylvia- are you aware of the consequences?

Loid- I certainly am

Sylvia- Twilight you are talking about getting married and that too not for a mission but for real!? you know your life is always in danger and if you marry Y/n she will be in danger too and maybe your future kid too! we are spies!

Loid- so you are trying to say a spy is not a human?

Sylvia- that's not what I meant-

Loid- I am aware what you are trying to say and I am aware what I am talking about. You think I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I decided to date her? or confessed to her? pr asked her to marry me? I was always aware. I have dedicated my whole life to be a spy for my nation and I will remain loyal to them and will keep following their orders but for this once I am going to do what my heart wants me to do. I know I am supposed to be emotionless and heartless but that girl dug out those two things and I don't want to bury them atleast not for her. I don't want to let go of the girl, the girl who knows who I am but still chose to love me and trust me knowing well about the danger she was getting herself into. She chose to give her heart and herself to me without a second thought. That girl is my priority now, I want to spend my life with her doesn't matter even if I am dying tomorrow I just want to be assured that the girl was mine all along. I want to have her in my arms even in my last moments, I want her for eternity.

(Loid said in a serious voice making Handler shock. He never looked this serious besides his mission. She could feel his love for you, she could see the passion he had for you in his eyes. She sighs rubbing her temple with her hand while Loid stood in front of him)

Sylvia- when is the wedding than?

(She said taking Loid by surprise as he thought she was going to reject his request. She looks at him with a small smile on her face, Loid looked at her with a relaxed expression)

Loid- 4 days from now

(she nods and tells him that she will talk with the higher officials for him if he ever gets in trouble and won't let anyone know. Loid thanks her and was about to take his leave but stops)

Loid- Y/n wants you to walk her down the aisle

(Sylvia's eyes widen at his words, she looks at him disbelief. She stood up from her place and went to her small locker, opening it she takes out an old picture of her with her husband and her daughter standing outside an old building. she gently runs her hand over the picture a sad smile appearing on her face as she looks at her daughter)

Sylvia- sure I will

Loid- thank you so much

(he bows to her and takes his leave)

★。+゚☆ - ☆゚+。★

Lily- oh my god Y/n! you are getting married!!! *squeals*

Y/N- you are repeating this for the 105th time Lily

(you said putting the cookie tray in the oven)

Lily- how can I shut up? you are literally getting married! like LITERALLY! I am so excited

Y/N- I know I know you are *chuckle*

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