He backhugs you

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(You were in the kitchen preparing lunch for you and Loid at his house. Since he wanted you to come over to give him company while he completes his work. You were thinking of making Curry and Rice so you had all the ingredients lying in front of you)

Y/N- ok the rice is on the stove, now i should cut the vegetables.

(you said to yourself as you started cutting the vegetables one by one)

Y/N- perfect!

(you said smiling at your work proudly. Washing the vegetables you prepared a pan to heat up before you start putting your vegetables in. You were humming a song while being lost in your little cooking world.
You didn't even noticed that Loid was looking at you staanding near the fridge with a small smile on his face)

Loid- *she is cute while cooking*

(you were stirring the vegetables when suddenly you felt two strong arms snake around your waist, you jump a little scared but then realized who it was)

Y/N- hey Loid

Loid- hey love

(he said near your neck putting his chin on your shoulder as the grip tightens around your waist. Both of your bodies connected to each other. You giggled a little as his breath tickles on your neck)

Y/N- are you done with your work?

Loid- yeah

Y/N- great the food is going to be ready soon

(he hums closing his eyes still backhugging you, sniffing the intoxicating lavender scent radiating from your body calming his nerves)

Y/N- is there something you need?

Loid- no i just want to stay like this

Y/N- *giggles* you are cute

Loid- not more than you

Y/N- *giggles* i know...but Loid you gotta leave me otherwise i won't be able to finish making the lunch

Loid- just a little more Y/n, you smell so good and the fragrance calms me

Y/N- *chuckles* we can cuddle later after we are done eating hm?

Loid- okay fine

Y/N- thank you babe!

(he slowly let's go off you but stays there until you are done making the lunch. You both had your lunch talking about things, after having the food you decide to wash the dishes but he stops you)

Loid- i'll do it, you did the cooking i can wash the dishes

Y/N- it's fine, i can do it

Loid- no i am doing it

Y/N- okay okay

(he starts washing the dishes as you admire him when suddenly you backhug him, his body stiffens but soon relaxes)

Loid- love?

Y/N- hmm

Loid- nothing *smiles*

Y/N- *he feels so warm*

Loid- *her touch radiates such a positive vibe and an addicting warmth*

(you both stayed like this until he fininshed washing the dishes. Once he was done you both laid on the couch, you on top of him as he reads a book & you cuddle to him. Both of you dozed off soon enjoying each others warmth)

hehe hope you all are enjoying the scenarios💗if you have any ideas in your mind feel free to drop it in the comments✨

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