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It was 10 years ago...

When humanity was caught up in a bloodshed war that they cannot win.

Well, a war is pushing it...more like a massacre...

Human beings were sinners, some still are to this very day. Even though most of them aren't that way, the few that are sinners cause the innocent to fall alongside them...

And so, one day, a small hole was made near a city. A hole so small that you can compare it to an ant hill. Soon, a small creature comes out of it and saw the city. The city that started it all. You're probably wondering what did the creature do when it saw the city? The creature sniffs the air and then smirk a few seconds later, is what.

The creature crawls towards the city to see where the beautiful smell is coming from. The creature was as small as a cockroach, with teeth and sharps horns on their head. And it's not good looking either. Looks like a bat, crab, and cockroach combine to make an ugly baby. Adding the fact that it has teeth alone is scary. With that being said, it made it to the city, roaming around with its tiny little legs. but once it goes further down the odor is gone. Losing the scent, the creature decided to turn around and was about to leave in disappointment-- until it sniffs the scent once more.

"Grr...raawwwrr!!!!!" The creature screams as they couldn't handle the odor anymore and crawl towards its hole in excitement. From that day, it was never seen again...

 Everything turns out to be okay.... or did it?

5 years later...

Soon after, 5 years had passed, and the odor keeps getting stronger and stronger. What is that odor the creature was smelling from before? Well, if you really want to know, it was humanity itself that attracts that creature from 5 years ago. but...thanks to that odor...


The hole that was small as an ant hill crack and expanded towards the entrance of the city. The hole had made weird moans and groans, monster-like sounds that are exciting and maybe even HUNGRY.... 

While all of that is happening, a man was walking out with his wife towards the exit of the city. They had a lovely time there and was so glad to celebrate their honeymoon together. But...something the man saw...ended all of that...

"Ah, what a feast! I'm so glad that we came here tonight, honey. I can't wait to come back and- huh?" the man says and then stops afterwards. His wife had a confused look as she saw her husband stop for no reason. She goes in front of her husband and waves her hand over his face.

"Honey? Honey, what's wrong? What's wrong, you seem out of it for some-?" The woman couldn't finish her sentence because of-

"Ah...AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *Crying* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" A scream that came out of nowhere. The woman follows the scream direction and saw what the husband was seeing...



"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! STOP IT! STOP- AAAAAHHHHHH-! MY FACE!! I CAN'T-! MY NEC-!" It was a man who was visiting the city for the day, gets eating alive by a creature that no man had ever seen before...


A creature was eating the man's head, revealing the crack skull, the brain that pumping up and down.


The creature takes a bite of the brain, blood dripping from its face, as the man's eyes came out at the process. Another creature takes a huge bite and sinks its teeth in deep.

Teeeeeaarrr! Chump! Chump! Crack!

The other one tears an entire leg and toss it aside just for fun. It then digs its claw in the man's stomach, blood burst, guts started to bleed, the many organs from the stomach gets eating like noodles. The creature slops as blood drop all over the floor. Finally, the creature that eats the brain, tear the head right off, blood gush as tears falls on the dead man's face, licking its lips as it's prey was in despair and sadness. And then...

Crack...Crack...BREAK! Gush....drip! Drip...drip...

The man's head got crushed by the creature's mouth, The creature saviors the blood of the falling human, swallowing the head as blood drip on its face, licking its lips from the tasty blood that they just savior and tasted. Nothing taste better than a human that's in fear...nothing is sweeter than your prey playing hard to get...and then tearing them, letting them scream for their dear life, crying for mercy, eating them alive along with the sweet and tasty scream, the lust from sinking your teeth inside of the skull, creaking it, breaking it so hard that you can get to the juicy part, the brain that made the human alive. The heart is second best. Letting them bump for a few seconds, letting the human suffer as they wish that they have never been born.

You may think that it's terrifying, but humans are the same. Just like eating chicken for lunch or dinner. It's tasty, sweet with the sauce adding in it, the texture of the juicy meat as it touches your tongue. The way the meat is sinking in your teeth as sparkles surround your face...

"What the fuck? Is that thing...eating the man alive?!" The husband whisper under his breath as he was shaking in fear

" L-let's go before it sees us. At least we might get out here-"


The wife's top half got bitten by a creature and got ripped open.


The creature held the woman's other half and throw it into the air and then caught with its mouth. It swallows loudly, making the Husband scream and runs away from the terror of his fallen wife.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! MONSTERS!!!" the husband shouted as he tries to run away from the creatures. The husband found his car and close it quickly. He then digs in his pocket with his shaky hand, looking for his keys to start his car. His heart is beating fast, sweat form around his face.

"Come on! Come on, come on, come on! Ah!" The husband finally found the key and smile brightly. "Now, I can-"


A creature burst opened the top of the car and drool was all over the husband face

" No... no. AAAAAAAAHHHHH-!"



chump on the husband's head


The blood spread all over the driver seat, the window, and the steering wheel. The creature screams like a demon that was hunting at night, then...all you could hear was footsteps. And not just a few footsteps, hundreds and hundreds of footsteps...

"HHHUUUUUMMMMMMMMMAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" the creature that ate the husband head alive scream. More creatures started to roam the city.... that's when things started to go to hell...

Or should I say, it's already been hell. It just triggered the beast that lives underground...

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now