Strive 19: Questioning

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Kibishi's POV

Mato's office...

Tao, Kuma, and I were sitting next to each other.

We all decided to check out Mato before Kuma's tour around the place along with the city.

Mato is scribbling some more notes. I wonder why he's always writing.

"Okay then, first question. This one is for Tao." Mato began saying.

"Yes?" Tao answered.

"How did you feel after seeing Kibishi's body part getting torn apart?" Mato asked.

This made Tao's eyes shake in fear.

I narrow my eyes in anger "Wait a minute, Mato. How can ask this to her? You know the answer already!" I said.

"Kishi..." Tao whispers.

"I know that. But if I don't understand how she transforms back how can we be sure she'll be safe without any side effects from the transformation?" Mato says while having a serious expression.


"Kishi, it's fine." Tao smiles "I'm thankful for you protecting me. Now that you're here and well, I'll swallow my fear and answer the question. But um...can you please hold my hand while I answer it? I want to feel your warmth. It'll give me courage." she asks shyly.


I nodded and held her hand.

I can feel her heart being at ease. She's finally calming down. Tao takes a deep breath and then speaks "I felt hatred. I felt so much anger and hatred towards the creatures. Not only that, I felt sad and frustrated. I couldn't believe my eyes...."

Tao tightens her grip as she continues "Kishi was okay and was being inspired as usual. He fought with all his might. I thought that was enough to stall until I open a way for us to escape. He works so hard to help me finish unscrewing a few bolts. I thought we were going to make it out of there without any blood spilling. I thought I was doing the right thing."

Tao had an angry expression "And those creatures...break Kishi's arm." she then frowns once more "He was in so much pain. I couldn't bare it. When I saw his arm getting tossed like trash my heart sink. I felt my heart getting torn open as if they were the ones who were opening it. And his leg got broken. His other half got destroyed. Those... monsters! I lost it, I lost my way to the darkness. I was ready to kill myself if Kibishi was about to die."

"But, wouldn't you rather live for the both of-"

"No. I'd rather die. Plain and simple. Without Kishi, there's no point in living anymore." Tao says with a straight face while interrupting Mato.

"I see," Mato write down some more notes "I can see that you two care about each other. A little too much if I might add due to you two trying to use your lives as ways to satisfy each other. But- I can understand why. The pain and suffering from childhood left a trauma. It's no wonder you're so protective of each other. You two have been through a lot. So it must've hurt your heart when you see each other hurting."

"Yes.." we both speak at once.

"Hatred for humanity and the creatures. That's ironic, don't you think?" Mato said.

"Um...I think it's more so for those that treat us badly. I have been thinking rationally lately and I have been studying human history. As I learn more, I realize this isn't the first time humans treat each other badly. Though, it won't wipe away the suffering Kishi and I have been through. Nor I'll forgive those people either. But I will give those around us who are kind a second chance! Kishi wants to keep his kindness to all! So I shall follow him to the end!" Tao says while smiling.

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