Strive 60: De-Stress The Stresser

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Kibishi's POV

"*Pant* *pant* *pant* *pant*" I close my left eye while panting heavily. I held my chest with my right hand. I can feel my chest bleeding. Luckily, the clothes are still attached, meaning it's like the monster we faced before. But it wouldn't matter if we still get damage from the inside! Does that mean that it's that powerful that even the force of a scratch can still damage your skin?! 

"Kishi!" Tao ran towards me and held my back and my stomach with each hand. "Kishi, are you okay?!"

"I-I'm fine, Tao. Forget about me and just run away." I softly say.

"How can I do that?! You want me to cry?!" Tao tears up. "How can I do that to someone I care about!"

Slash! Slash! 

Kuma blocks two attacks that could've hit me and Tao. "What the fuck is this thing?! It smells like the corpse of the monster?!" Kuma asked.

"Guys, what do we do?! Make a run for it?!" Jir asked.

"We can't!" Kuma says while struggling to protect all of us, "Argh! What is this?! I thought each layer has ONE monster per tunnel?!" 

"Kum!" Jir panics. 

Step! Step! Step!

A few runs later, Jir made by Kuma's side. She helps lift Kuma's blade and speaks, "Come on, let's run for it! We'll all die if we stay here! Come on, let's leave!". "I can't! This monster is going to follow us! It's not like before, Jir! T-this one is-!"


Kuma pushes it a bit further, but it rushes once more. Kuma ready her weapon but-

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Jir made a force field. But it won't hold for long, I assume. Look at those cracks! Jir made three more out of fear. "Argghh!!! This thing is strong! Guys, what to do?!" she asked. "I-I don't know! This world is full of surprises!"  Kuma said.

"Tao! Please, forget about me and help them out!" I say out of fear. 

"I-I know that. U-um..." Tao frowns. "Aaarrgghh!!! I can't do it! If I leave, then no one can protect you! I don't want you to die, Kishi! I just can't!"

"Tao...!!!!" I panic.

"I know, I know!" Tao held her head. "I know I am supposed to help them out, but if I leave you, then something will happen! What to do?! What to do?! "

Shoot, this is awful! What do we do?! Everyone is on edge by this surprise monster! Where did it come from?! I'm at my wit's end!

Everyone is losing it! We're panicking! A monster that's like the one we fought?! Where did it come from?! The sky?!

Yeah, I remember it coming from there. But its skin smells rotten! The soul is not the same, so it can't be the same monster from before. It's a walking corpse.

There's another soul inside of it. It's almost like-

It's reusing the material so it won't be wasted. What a horrible thing to do! Well, at least that confirms that it's not the same thing. But that doesn't mean we can relax as well!

I have to protect everyone. I have to protect Tao. I have- I have to-!

"Ugh...!" I made a strange sound.

"K-Kishi? Are you okay?" Tao whispers to me.


"Protect...protect..." My eyes suddenly dull down. 

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