Strive 48: To The Meeting Again!!!

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Kibishi's POV

"Uuu...! ~" Tao was lowering her head in sadness.

" Taogeta okay?" The founder asked. "She'll be fine. I-I think?" I say while tilting my head.

"Right," Mato closes his eyes. "Now that everyone is gathered, it's time to remind everyone about the mission for the night. Exploring the lower tunnel's area to get to the second layer."

"Along with trying to get to the upper tunnel, but that's for tomorrow's mission at night," Kibun said.

"Hmm..." I blinked.

I lower my head and place my hand under my chin. I mean- I could work. Or-

"Wait a second," Tao raises her head all of a sudden "Hold on for a moment." she turns serious. "Let's head towards the upper tunnel instead. We can't go back yet." Tao says in a deep tone. 

"Why not?" Kuma asked.

"The monster is gone, but that place is full of creatures. It might not sound bad, but I feel that place will have a pack of them. And Kishi can only do so much in this time." Tao placed her hand under her chin. "We can probably go there as planned, but we must be cautious. But either way, this could be troublesome." 

"It's just creatures, Tao. We can take them!" Kuma says with excitement. 

"Yeah, they're nothing to us!" Jir joins in.

"Guys, think! There are more creatures than us around here. I clearly remember hearing Kuma killing loads of them, not to mention some of them attacking us. They even harm Kishi in cold blood..." Tao says in an angry tone.

"B-but that was last time..." Kuma whispers.

"I said 'no.' That's final. If we keep this up, one of us might change due to the stress of the fight. That or we might become into the battle without completing the mission." Tao holds onto my hand. "And Kishi doesn't need to put himself to that amount of pressure...."

"Tao..." I said.

"Ah, s-sorry!" Tao yanked her hand away and blushed nervously. "I g-got carry away. Force of H-habit..."

"Oh, no, it's fine. Hehe, you change so quickly once you realize  that you were holding hands with me!" I smiled. I put on a severe expression afterward. "But she's right. I don't want to waste any energy unless I need to. We've been through there already, so there's no need to fight many creatures that might gather there after the monster's passing. But they're right, Tao. We have to take a look one last time. Wouldn't you say?"

"Hmm..." Tao blinks. She then notices what I'm saying. "I see now. We're going there to explore the place. We'll just be placing teleporters to the places we have been in the lower area to travel safely! *Smiles* And if we find a path along the way, then it's a plus for us!" 

"Bingo!" I nodded.

Though I'm pretty sure that was Mato's plan, I assume.

"I see. We'll only get three teleporters left for the night. We can create more, but it'll take some time. But making one might take a whole day. So, I'll help out Mark and Kibun with that bit. Ashely, give them the things they need for the mission tonight!" Mato says with a severe expression.

"Right!" Ashely stands up and brings out a pink bag. "I got some first aid, food, water, and even blankets since over there has been freezing since the monster is dead. Oh, and I already put the teleporters inside here as well!"

"With that said, Mark, Kibun, the update for their super codes, please." The founder says with his arms crossed. Mark nodded and brought up a projection. "Cool cool! First up, Kuma! Kuma clothes can now withstand more hits from a monster! And thanks to the data we gathered from you guys, the creatures from the lower tunnel won't lay a scratch on you. Remember that these clothes use your energy as the source of their power, so be careful. It'll drain your body the more you get hit. But if you're just relaxing or whatnot, then it won't do anything."

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