Strive 23: Sorrow

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Kibishi's Pov

Kibishi's Room...

"*Grunts*" I look at the roof in sadness.

So far, I haven't gotten an update about my heartbeat yet. I wonder if it'll be useful for us? I do hope I could go with Tao and Kuma. But by the looks of things, I should.

Knock! Knock!

"Kishi, can I come in?" A voice asked.

Ah, it's Tao!

"Yeah, you can come in!" I said.


Tao had a frown on her face "Hey..."

"Hey, what's up? Why are you sad?" I asked. "W-well...I have been thinking about tonight's mission for a while and's hard to explain..." Tao whispers near the end.

"Hmm?" I tilt my head.

"Kishi, I like the way you do things. You're also kind as well. I even like the way you're always willing to help out others. But thinking about this logically...." Tao looks away "...I"

"Tao?" I smiled.

Tao widens her eyes and then gives a smile back "N-nevermind. See you tonight..."

"Sure," I nodded.

Tao walks out the door and closes it behind her.

I frown.

She's sad. She's sad about something and she's not telling me. Why is that? "I wonder if Tao is okay?"

I have a feeling but...I'm not going to trust it. I have faith. So, I'll keep pushing.

A few hours later...

I slowly wake up from my slumber. I say up and yawn. "*Yawn* What time is it?"

I look at the time.

"There's still 10 minutes before the departure. Better freshen up and get ready." I said.

.... Right, time to take a shower.

8 minutes later...

Operation Room...


"I'm here," I say while closing the door behind me.

"Good evening, Kibishi. How's your sleep?" the founder asks while smiling. I look to the corner and saw Tao next to Kuma on the other side of him.


Why do I always get annoyed whenever I see the founder? Is it because he holds Tao's hand? I'm not so sure.

"What's up with him?" Ashely asks in a worried way.

"Yeah, a lot had happened, and uh...I feel like Kibi is a bit conscious around the founder now." Kuma answers.

"Kibishi, let me be clear about one thing. I won't dare do anything to Taogeta if that's what you're thinking. She's perfectly safe here. No one will lay a finger on her." The founder explains.

I look at him with a calm expression "...Thanks for your concern. I appreciate your words."

Though, I can't shake this annoyance. Not even my once hatred lasted this long. Why am I so annoyed here?

"Calm down, Kibishi. The founder already told you, Taogeta is safe here. You can relax. " Kibun says while closing his eyes.

Kibun... he's another one I can't get this strange annoyance as well.

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