Strive 41: A brief Rest.

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Kibishi's POV

Step! Step! Step!

Tao and I were walking toward my room. We were chatting away as we were taking our time to spend time together.

"Kishi, are you sure you're not hurting anywhere? Do you have a headache? You want me to come over and cuddle like before?" Tao asks in a shy yet caring way. "Haha, as much as I want to take that offer, we must respect the rules around here, Tao. You that, right?" I said. "I-I know. S-sorry for being so insensitive, Kishi." Tao apologizes, then blush. "It's just that- I missed sleeping together. I missed listening to your heart, Kishi. I can't sleep as fast as before..."

"I know. But until we figure out a system, we can't do that. I missed it, Tao. I miss you being by my side every night. But we have to stay strong." I smile. "I know! Let's sleep together once we reach the surface and find a place! Just like old times!" 

"Isn't that a bit m-much? I mean- Kishi and I... l-living together under the same roof?" Tao places her index fingers together. "A-are you sure?" 

"Why not? Unless you're uncomfortable with that idea?" I said.

"I mean- mm. *face turns red* Let's think about it a bit more before thinking that way," Tao says shyly.

"In what way?" I raise my left brow.

"N-nothing!" Tao laughs and scratches the side of her face with a cute smile. "A-anyway, I get it. We have to sleep in separate rooms. I wish we could change that rule."

"Haha, if only." I laughed at the end.

"By the way," Tao comes closer and then leans on my body. "T-Tao?!" I suddenly blush for some reason. "U-um...we're at public-"

"There's something strange going on here. Let's talk more about the monster later, okay?" Tao says in my ear. She then gives me a big warm hug. "I'm heading to my room now," Tao says as I can feel her body getting hot. I slowly hug her back. I hesitate at first but then give a hug back. "Kishi...I like your warmth. I will savor this moment inside my head and sleep before it disappears. Have a wonderful night and sweet dreams!"

"You too, Tao. I'm going to savor this moment as well to fall asleep before it goes away." I commented while my cheeks turned redder.

"Hehe! ~ That makes me happy! ~" Tao says after letting go of the hug. She places her hands behind her back. "Heh. Kishi makes me so happy! Your hugs are the best! Sorry for being a bit selfish just now! ~ I needed that hug! Night!" Tao waves goodbye to me and walks back slowly before turning around and running, then giggling joyfully. 

"Tao..." I held my chest. "This feeling again. What is it?" I wonder.

I slowly smile while seeing Tao leave my sight. I don't know why. I don't understand my emotion as a whole. But I know one thing, Tao's warm smile, and joy is worth the risk. She's the main reason I push my limit and fight back with all I got. 

"...Thank you, Tao. Because of you, my world is brighter than ever. This dark world will never take away that light. I'll protect you, Tao. I'll protect everyone who helps us reach so far. And then maybe, once we reach the surface *blush like mad*, I can finally get to the button of these feelings when it comes to you. I wonder what's this feeling called. I like it. *Narrow eyes* Hehe, can't wait for us to cuddle again!" I have a big smile on my face. I open the door and quickly close it behind me. 

I touched my chest and was in awe. "Tao's warmth. I'll never forget this feeling for the rest of my life..."

I shake my head and nod to myself. "Right. Time to head to bed before this feeling goes away!"

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