Strive 59: Surprise!

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Kibishi's POV

Argh! This is frustrating!

I'm sure Tao has her reasons, but still, this is killing me here!

...Okay then, I have to do something about this. Obviously, it's a topic Tao and the others are avoiding, so that means I have to figure out a way to get my mind out of it.

Being emotional about it won't do me any good, and I need my heart to stay calm to support me in battle.

So, instead, I'll have to be the bigger person and apologize to Tao.

"Hey, Tao," I smile.

"Kishi," Tao looks at me with curiosity. "Is something the matter?"

No, not really." I put on a curious expression. "Listen, I'm sorry for acting out before. It's just that I got worried about you. I have a feeling that you know what that fluid is. But I won't force it out of you." I lift my left hand. "You don't have to feel obligated to tell me anything. I'll just hold my faith and follow your judgment. After all, I trust you with my life."

Huh. Now that I say this out loud, my heart is calming down. The stress is a bit there, not going to lie, but it's nothing to worry about.

"I appreciate you for that, Kishi. Really, I do." Tao frowns. "And I know it takes a lot of bravery to not through to what your heart tells you. After all, it once told you that I was a threat in that form I was in. When I lost my mind after killing that monster from before."

"Yeah..." I nodded.

"..." Tao looks away for a moment. She then looks at me. "I'm sorry. I say some mean things that make you angry. I didn't mean it. I just-"

"I get it. So don't worry about it. If it makes you uncomfortable to say, then by all means, you can keep it to yourself.  It's better than seeing you cry after saying what you have to say to me just to satisfy my curiosity." I say with a soft expression. "Tao's happiness and well-being will always take top priority over anything, in my opinion. So don't worry about it, okay?"

"Kishi..." Tao blushed.

Hmm? I mean, I don't see how that can make you blush. Ah, well, she's calm, and that's what matters to me. This sight makes me smile and then chuckle. 

"Smooth talker as usual," Jir says, then laughs.

"Huh? I don't understand. I was just giving my honest opinion about the whole thing." I said. "Normally, a guy would just stand firm and not admit that you're wrong. But you're different, Kib. You be the bigger person and end something that could cause bigger problems later down the line. That's what I like about you." Jir said.

"I see," I smiled. "Glad then."

"But he did have the right to ask questions," Tao said.

"Sure, but at least he knows when not to be forceful to certain things. The guy can read the room, hehe!" Jir laughed.

"I honestly was ready to crack after seeing his sad face..."Tao admits.

"I know. That's why I'm thankful for Kib's ability to read your feelings and not go deeper. He knows how tough it must been to keep up that front just now." Jir admits.

"Anyway, it seems like Kuma is returning!" Jir said.

Step! Step! Step!

"Yo!" Kuma waved at us with a cocky smile. 

"Hey, Kuma!" I smiled.

"Hmm? I thought you were grumpy about something too personal for Tao to say?" Kuma says with a cheeky grin.

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