Strive 17: To The Meeting!

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Kibishi POV

"There..." I say to myself softly.

I slowly slide my right hand passed the sleeves of my purple clothing. I fixed my collar and then knock my shoes on the ground. I look at the mirror once more,

I had long purple sleeves, a black shirt, long pants, and gray with yellow string shoes. 

"This fits nicely." I smiled. 

I look at the corner of my bed and saw my necklace. I remember seeing Akuma having something like my necklace hanging on her left thigh. I wonder what it could mean. 

"They all have the same material as well...hmm..." I think to myself.

I grab my necklace and put it on me. 

"There! All I need to do is fix my bed and then head out!" I said.

That's right, I have to meet up with Akuma and the others by the operation center. I wonder what we will be talking about.




I'll be useful...

I have to be useful...

I cannot let Tao down and be a burden anymore. I know I say last night that we shouldn't bring ourselves down but still. So far, all I have been doing is tanking hits like nothing. And making people worry about me.

I have to be useful somehow.

"Tao is counting on me to do my best. And I shall. We made an oath and I planned on keeping it. I will burst us out of here. So that we can both enjoy our lives once more. We can truly be happy..." I said.


"Morning, Kishi." A familiar voice greets me. I look at the doorway and saw Tao in new clothing. Wow. She looks way different than before. She seems a bit more mature than last night, too.

"Hey, Tao." I greet my best friend.

Now that I get a good look at Tao's outfit it suits her! She even has the bracelet I found for her! Her pattern is the same as mine. Large boots, a cute dress mixer with stockings! She's the whole package! She looks great!

"You look great, Tao. Just how I imagined. You're beautiful." I bluntly state my mind.

"You too, Kishi. You look handsome in that clothing. My heart is skipping fast right now just by looking at you." Tao honestly answers me.

"Mm...." I blush.

"Mm..." Tao blush as well.

Aw, geez! We both just say some embarrassing things! I wonder if it's because we didn't see each other since last night?

"Hmm?" I look near her skirt and blink. Look lower and saw a strap on her left thigh. 

Step! Step!

I walk closer and bend my knee "What's this, Tao?"

"Oh, that?" Tao lift her skirt a bit "It's a book holder, Kishi. I'm studying new things about the world and it's meaning. Have a look!"

"Sure thing. Sorry," I unhook the bag on the strap and take out a mini book "Hmm..." I look at the cover " "E...arth...Do...c..."?" I tilted my head. 

"It's pronounced "Earth's Documentary"! It was written by an author named John Cruiser. It basically gives you everything you need about the earth itself. Along with that, it got one more strap bag underneath my thigh gap!" Tao says while sounding inspired. 

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