Strive 26: Tao's Resolved

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Tao's POV


As Kibishi was in the meeting with the rest of H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y.'s crew...

Step! Step! Step!

I was looking ahead as the flower shop owner was leading the way of clue we might need to get out of the first layer. This mission is very important. I can't afford to get distracted by anything. And I don't plan on leaving without some kind of clue!

Kishi wouldn't give up-






"*Sighs*...There I go again, thinking about him at a time like this..." I spoke softly.

I mean- I don't personally mind it I was by myself, but I have Kuma and the others who are working very hard to walk by our side. Their lives come first and foremost. Kishi is safe now so I shouldn't let my mind wonder about it. In order to survive this world, to see him smile, I have to do this. I will make progress.

If things get tough, we'll have to retreat. I'm not going to die out there. I can't afford to. He's waiting for me. I promise him that I'll return him. I got to- no, I HAVE to return to him! 

Nothing will stand in my way! I have to return to Kishi and support him in any way I can!








....Right, I can't afford to think about him. Don't think about him or his cute smile. Don't think about snuggling with him. Don't...think about the cuddle we did this afternoon. I slowly smile with a small blush. 


Don't think about how he embraced me and not wanting to let me go!~ Don't think about how his skin felt so soft when it touch my cheeks!~ Hehe!~ Oh, and the way he rest his head on my shoulder when he was mad!~ It was like heaven!~

"Hehehe...!~" I giggle out loud.

S-shoot! I quickly shake my head. Focus, Taogeta! Now then, let's see what I can do for now. "Hey, Tao. You done daydreaming about Kibi, right?" Kuma asks. "W-what?! I wasn't daydreaming! I was just analyzing our survival is all! " I blush like mad.

"Hehe, so cute!~," Kuma says with a cheeky grin.

"Fuu...!~" I grunt while blushing some more. 

"Anyway, we're nearly by the point where I save you and your prince, Tao. So, as much as I want to see your cute blushing face we have to focus on the task at hand. Please, I know you can't get him out of your mind due to reason but...." Kuma turns serious "There's citizens along with us this time! We have to give it our all!"

"I know," I smile "I just can't believe that I was able to go this far without turning mad or feeling lonely. Maybe it's because of you, Kuma. That, and this warmth I have inside of me. Kishi's warmth, that is."

"Warmth?"  Kuma asked.

"Yeah! Whenever I think about him, I can do anything! My very soul is burning with passion." I had a determined expression "So I won't let myself get this distracted any longer! The more we waste time, the less time we have to be with Kishi and the others!"

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