Strive 61: Planning The Next Move

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Taoreta's POV

We were all inside of a building that seemed stable enough.

Kuma was talking to Mato while Jir was casting a force field around the building. We already installed the anti-creature cube, which set up a force field, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

With that being said, Kishi was still knocked out on me. He seems to be sleeping soundly.

"And that's what happened," Kuma said.

"I see," Mato says in the cube Kuma was holding. "Well, that is something. A walking corpse, huh? You don't see that every day? And it came from the sky? Strange." Mato said.

"Yeah," Kuma nodded.

"And the part with Kibishi nearly transforming as well. Hmm..." Mato became silent for a moment. But he broke the quiet by speaking up again, "I'll have to devise a method to calm down his heart. But that's highly unlikely since Kibishi himself is special. His heart can calm you guys down, but it won't have the same effect if he uses it on himself. Wait, didn't Taoreta calm him down?" he asked.

"Yeah, she did. It's probably because of her bond with him." Kuma explained.

"I see," Mato said.

"Anyway, I can't stay on for too long. I have to go now, Mato. The creatures could come up and attack if we're not careful ." Kuma said.

"Right. See you later, Akuma." Mato says before Kuma taps the cube and puts it in her jacket.

Kuma sighs in relief and looks at me.

"Alright, I reported our status to Mato, so he'll deliver it to the founder and the others," Kuma said while walking toward me. Once she reached us, Kuma sat down.

"Must be nice, Tao? Having a guy sleep on your chest. How romantic!" Kuma says while bringing both her knees up and resting her elbows on them. She rested her head on her palms. "So how does he feel, hmm? All cozy and stuff?~" 

"U-umm..." I blush shyly. "H-he's soft, that's for sure..." I whisper.

"I see, I see. Ah, what a sight to see!~" Kuma says while sighing peacefully. "Hey guys!" Jir called out to us as she was walking towards us. "I place the shield for good measure! Now we can relax for a bit!" 

"Thanks, Jir!" I said.

"Hehehe!" Jir giggle.

"So, what's the plan, Tao? Any suggestions?" Kuma says with a severe expression. I stop and think to myself. "Hmm...before that, I would like Kishi to participate in the conversation for many reasons. For one, he must've sensed this monster before us and knew what was really going on with that corpse. Or, at least, he knows that wasn't the same monster as before. So instead, let's go over the things we already know." I said.

"Alright then," Kuma placed her left hand under her chin. "So we all already know that monster was made out of the corpse we fought from before. And it came from the sky as well. If anything, I could say that it's a monster from one of the layers from above."

"Right," Jir nodded, then spoke. "It also had an intense aura around it. It's almost as if it has gotten the power from the dead monster and expanded upon it."

"This means we were way over our heads and weren't prepared for worse, myself included. I almost got both of you killed, thanks to me being selfish." I say while frowning. "Ah, it's fine," Kuma said.

"No, it's not. I choose to stick with Kishi instead of helping you guys. Even Kishi wanted me to help, but my body wouldn't move a-and...!" I narrow my eyes in sadness.

"Hey, it's okay." Jir narrows her eyes in sadness. "I sort of get it. Sure, you could've helped us out, but now that I get how you operate, I understand your reasoning. Kib is someone special to you, and you don't want him to get hurt. He's not us, after all. I mean- he is, but he chooses the path as the support. He was meant to wield the knife, but Mato mentions that Kib wanted to use his heart instead. Kib is such a sweet guy, and I understand why you're so attached to him. He's worth protecting." 

"Thank you for understanding." I smiled.

"No worries, Tao. After all, I do see the reason for your actions. Even if you don't." Kuma replied.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" I tilt my head in curiosity.

"Nothing!~," Kuma says in a singing voice. "Hmm..." I blinked, then had a calm expression. "Moving on," I raised my index finger. "So the monster came from the upper layers, correct? Then, it is safe to assume that this monster was something special. Which means its weakness is hidden somewhere in these layers. Let us find its weakness one time while trying to escape as well. I just hope its DNA will be enough to protect the middle city for now. Let's not forget our mission for the night. We have to find a path for the second layer." 

"Indeed," Jir nodded.

"So then, what is the current plan?" Kuma asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to leave and risk that monster following us back home,"  Jir says with a frown. 

"True..." I say while placing my left index finger under my chin. 

Yeah, that's right. If we leave now, then there's a chance that the monster will end up following us and destroying the city itself. We can't afford to take that risk. Not to mention that this is a whole new load of information to consider. 

"Regardless, we should continue with the exploration. But we have no idea where to go at this point since that monster had thrown us off." I explained.

"Right. We should use this opportunity to rest a little. We'll each take turns with shifts as the lookout person.  I'll go first, then Jir, and finally, Tao. This way, we each have some rest." Kuma mentions

"Sounds like a plan!" Jir slowly laid down and placed her head over her hands as a pillow. "I'll leave it to you, Kum!" 

"Right, right!" Kuma slowly stood up and stretched her body. "We have no idea when Kishi will wake up, so we should get as much rest as possible!" she said. "Right," I nodded. I made myself comfortable but realized that Kishi was resting on my chest. I think briefly and then rest his body gently on the ground. I laid him down and then followed suit. I was now facing him on the floor. I slowly grab his free hand and hold it softly. I slowly lower my eyelids and smile with a slight blush. "Hehe!~ Sweet dreams, Kishi!~ Let's work together to stop that monster and free humanity from this cruel world. Good night..." I close my eyes.

Kishi...I won't let you go. I will always hold your hand until the day I die. You're special to me, and I want the best for you. I can be a bit selfish when it comes to you. I care for your well-being. Let's pray that once you wake up, we can face and overcome this danger together.

"Hehe...I also want to hear what you want to say to me. It can be after the breakout or even one year. I don't care how long the wait will be. I'll wait for you. Forever and ever..." I felt my body getting warmer when I say that. I giggle once more and daze for a while...

Then...I fall asleep...

"Kishi..." I whisper before dreaming away...

To Be Continued...

See you later!

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