Strive 69: Plan And Counter!

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Kibishi's POV

Clash! Clash!

The three girls are fighting with all of their might. Things seem to be in our favor, but only a little. It's slowing down, no doubt about it, but it's still keeping up with everyone.

I want to help out, but I'll be in their way. There's got to be a way to hit it from here. I can always shoot and hope for the best, but that'll worry Tao and the others. The best course of action is to be patient and let the girls handle it for now.

I look at the wrist radar. "The girls' stress is building up, but they'll manage. Can't take that lightly, though, since they can turn anytime."

Right. I need to be ready for anything.

Slash! Slash!


The girls are going at it. They're doing better than before. That's a good thing, indeed. But we're still not closer to defeating it. It's weak, that's for sure.

Still, despite that, it's not letting us win so easily.

Looking at the bright side, it'll be a lesson for us. So next time we face monsters like this, we'll be experienced and ready to fight. Even if the monsters are stronger than this one, we will know how to counter it soon.


"Ah!" I widen my eyes.

Slash! Slash!

Tao hit a wall and slid her back on it.

"Tao!" I panic.

I have to- no, no! I can't keep doing this. She's fine, Kibishi! Tao's stronger than you think! Stop babying her.

But still,

It hurts to watch. "*Whisper* Just have faith in her. Tao will be fine."

I saw Kuma assisting Tao, and they went back to the fight. I wonder if the blood can slow it down even more. The question is, HOW can we splash it on the body of a monster without getting smashed into pieces?

If I have to guess, a surprise tactic can work. I'm sure the others are thinking the same way as I am. I hope.

Tao's POV

Clash! Clash! Clash!

Counter and counter, this monster is reading all of my movements. It's like it's studying me instead of the other way around.


I did a vertical slash and got a clean cut to its stomach. It's only temporary since it patches itself up again.


Jir was blasting away with her fireballs while Kuma and I were talking while running towards the monster.

"We keep it at bay and away from Kishi! Once I get a chance, I'll do my part and use the injector!"  Tao shouted.

"And that's when I do my part and ensure everything goes to plan and not let Kibi freak out!" Kuma shouted with a big grin.

"Right! I'll leave it to you, Kuma!" I nodded.



I dodged another claw attack from the monster. "(If I can access my supernatural form, then I can stand a chance! It's still a strange stage, and it's hard to master.)".

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