Strive 70: Thank You

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Kibishi's POV

"Tao transform again..." I say with a straight face.


Her heart isn't corrupted, so it should be fine. But whenever I see this side of her, I sometimes wonder what that could mean. The form, that is.

Kuma's form represents her wild side, I think. So maybe Tao's form represents a side of her that she shows all the time—so many questions. I wonder what form I'd take if I turned as well...


We're getting worn out at this point. I don't want another incident where everyone nearly dies again because we were unprepared.

"From this distance, I can shoot heartwaves but not protect anyone..." I frown.

"Kib, focus on your role here. Let Tao and Kuma handle it while we give support from behind." Jir said.

"I know that, but..." I grip the handle of the megaphone. "...there's something I can do here!"


I jumped off the edge of a small building and landed on my left knee.

"Huh?! Kib, wait!" Jir shouted, but I ended up running towards the battle anyway. I heard footsteps behind me. It must be Jir's. After all, she is a supernatural. Moments later, she caught up to me with a worried expression: "Kib, slow down! Why are you going TOWARDS the danger!"

"Tao's doing her best, and so is Kuma! I have to get close enough to prepare for our attack! Also, I want to be there if any of you transform into that corrupt form!" I say with a determined expression.

"Geez, why are you so persistent?  Fine, we'll go closer but NOT too close, got it?" Jir looks forward and points at a nearby broken-down house. "There's a house nearby. We can hide our presence there."

"Right," I nodded.

Swoop! Swoop!

We both dash towards the wall of the house and lean our backs on it. Jir and I, that is. We both take a peek and watch Tao and Kuma fighting the monster.

"Okay, we're close enough," Jir came out and pointed at me. "Now stay put and don't move!" she demanded.

Step! Step!

Jir walks a bit further away from me. "I promise Tao to protect you, and I will do that! Don't you dare run into danger, you hear?!"

"..." I remain silent.

I want to agree. I want to say, "Yeah, I promise, Jir.". But instead, I spoke my mind.

"If I see Tao in danger, I'll run to save her. *Close eyes* I'm sorry, but I won't let you stop me, Jir. Course, that includes all of you as well." I said.

"Geez, so stubborn!" Jir complains.

I'm sorry, Jir. But it's the truth. I want to be there even if it kills me. Tao and the others are important to me, so I'll do whatever it takes to save them.

Clash! Clash!

"Argghh!!!" I heard Tao cried.

"Tao!" I panic.

I came out of hiding and was to run to her, but Jir stopped me. "Wait a minute, Kib! Stop being bumpy, for goodness sake! You can't keep jumping around whenever Tao gets hurt!"

"Out of my way, Jir! Tao could be hurt!" I said.

"Calm down, Kib! Look, we all have a role to play, so just be quiet and think about yours!" Jir said.

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now