Strive 8: Question And Choices.

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Last time on Cho shizen-tekina sonazai,

As things seem bad for our heroes, a girl name Akuma came to the rescue and breaks out all of the prisoners. Things seem to be bright for our heroes as they escape the cell. But who to say that they're out of the woods yet?

Will they finally find a way to survive? Or will fate have other plans for our struggling heroes?

Only one way to find out...

Kibishi POV

"*Huff* *Huff* *Puff* *Puff*" That's all I'm hearing between Tao and me. We're running as fast as we can, so of course, we would be panting hard. We just went past a couple of places which is surprising...

I think one of them looks like an abandoned house which was from the surface, I think. Another look like a broken-down store that was also dragged down here. There are too many things that had been brought down here to describe right about now. It seems like as humans move down, so does some places. Or things, I should say. 

Oh, my brain is hurting from all of this running. I gotta focus on-

"Ngh!" I cry in pain.


I went on my knees and held my head. Tao knees down and holds my back then pats it. "Kishi, are you okay? Are you hurt?" She says in a worried way. 

"A-argh!" I yelp in pain.

"Ahh! Oh no!  Here, maybe I can just carry you on my back and-!"

"N-no. I can't...let you do that, Tao." I said as I slowly stand back up.

Tao had a sad look "But you're hurting!  And I don't like it when you act like nothing is wrong when clearly something is! You might be sick or-"

"*Smile* Ha, I know that much.  but it's okay, Tao. You have done so much for me already. I don't want to be a burden to you." I tried to ease her from worrying about me.

"How many times will you say that? You're not a burden, Kishi. *Blush* Not to me at least...s-so, stop telling yourself that...okay?" She comes closer and places her hand on my cheeks. "You know that ain't true at all. So let's stop saying that you are."

"Tao...*Nodded* okay. I'm sorry for bringing that up again. A force of habit, I suppose. *Close eyes* Let's do our best, okay? I'll take a rest if I really need to, alright?" I smile at my worrisome friend.

"*Smile* Right!" She answers with a cute smile.

And so,

we continue to travel behind the group that escapes with us. It's been a few hours and we still wonder in the red night with the bleeding moon.

Of course, we took a few breaks here and there but still,

The breeze out here feels cold.

I hug myself, trying to keep myself warm,'s still freezing. "* Shivering* So cold..." I said while Shivering to death.

Man, how can you live out here when it's cold? I would expect it to be hot and burning since we're below the Earth's atmosphere. Or so I heard. Maybe since it's night the air itself isn't that hot. That's my guess at least.

"Kishi, you're shriving. You want us to stop and take another break? I'll try to convince Akuma if you need it." My worrisome friend asks me. It would still be cold even if we stop, but I do want to rest my legs from all of this walking...or running to be specific.

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