Strive 35: The Angel and The Children.

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Kibishi's POV

The second part of the area...

Step! Step! Step!

"So, Kibi. Why did you panic like that?" Kuma wonders.

"Were you going to turn into your true selves?" Kujira asked.

"I'm not sure. Everything just went blank. I wanted one thing...and it was happiness. I felt sorrow and anger for some reason. I wanted to rage out to the world." I say with sadness.

"Sounds like you were having a nightmare," Tao said.

"The worse nightmare in my life..." I replied.

"Hmm..." Kuma thinks to herself. "Sound like how we all feel while transforming- huh?" Kuma stops in her tracks.

"Hey, what's over there?" I asked.

"It shapes as...a wing?" Tao says while tilting her head. "It's on the wall, right? Talk about mysterious." Kujira says while scratching her head.

Step! Step! Step!

We all rushed towards the wall that had the weird shape hole. Once we were there, Kuma took a look while stroking her chin. "This shape...looks familiar to me..."

"Same..." I said.


.... Isn't that...?!

"Tao, let me see your wing bracelet for a second!" I say in a hurry.

"H-huh?! Sure!" Tao takes her bracelet from her left hand and hands it to me. "Thank you! I'll return it!" I said.

I walk ahead and meet with Kuma. "Kuma, try to put this in the hole!"

"Hmm? Oh yeah!" Kuma takes the wing and smiles at it. "It's this wing here! No wonder it looks so familiar!"

Kuma turns around and puts the wing bracelet near the hole. "Just have to place it right and..." She presses it into the hole. "There!"


"Whoa!" we all say in a union.

The whole place is shaking! I can see the skulls rolling away. I saw some blood falling once more as it was alive! What's going on here?! The blood!

"Guys, look!" Kujira points at the blood heading toward the bracelet. "The blood is heading towards the wing!"

"The wing is... absorbing the victims?!" Tao says with a shocked expression.

"What does this mean?!" Kuma wonders.


The blood was covering the golden color of the wing! Once the wing was fully covered, it changed its shape! The wings turn black!


The wall...!

It's opening!

Rumble! Rumble!

The webs started to spread from the opening wall. We see the light shines within the dark room. It's opening...opening...opening...

The rumbling isn't stopping. The whole room started to chant some strange language. Why is this happening?! How can this be?!


The room started to chant louder. Saying "Angel"...


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