Strive 45: Kibishi's Emotional Dilemma

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*A new POV has been revealed*

Kujira's POV

1 hour later...

I stand in front of Kib's door. Kum suggested giving them an hour of space before running after them. Okay, here goes. 

Knock! Knock!

"Hey, Kib...?" I whisper in a soft voice.

"..." I didn't hear anything.  

Tch, this is pathetic. Some friend I turned out to be. Of course, he wouldn't answer the door to-


"Hey..." I heard a soft voice answer the door to greet me. "Ah!" I slightly jump with a slight blush. "D-don't scare me like that!"

"'re the one who knocks on my door?" Kib says while raising his left brow. "R-right, I'm sorry. I don't have the right to complain when you're hurt. C-can I come in, please?" I ask politely. Kib stared at me for a bit. What? Was it too straight forwards? I know we're not that close, but I thought I should at least ask politely.

"Hehe, sure. Come on in." Kib says while backing up a bit to let me in his room. 

"Thank you..." I thank him. He nodded and let me inside his room.

Kibishi's Room...

I sat on the bed while feeling nervous. I saw him sitting next to me with a weak smile and his headphones around his neck. "So, is there anything I can do for you?" Kib asks sweetly. But at the same time, I can tell he's also sad about something. Okay, time to take it nice and slow here. I don't want to jump into things that might be too personal. First, let's get him comfortable.

"So, how do you like our base? Feels nice?" I say with a small smile.

"It's great," Kib responded. Good. There's a start! Okay, now try to reel it in a bit deeper- BUT NOT TOO DEEP. OTHERWISE, HE'LL BE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH YOU, KUJIRA! Okay, okay...

"*Blush* S-so how's um...your bed feeling?" I say stupidly. You idiot! Are you serious?! How is his bed feeling?! Oh yeah, I'm sure he'll be happy to know that YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT HIS BED THAN HIS FEELINGS!

"Um, is everything okay, Kujira? Your heart is beating fast, and you're forcing yourself to speak to me. Are you sure it's nothing else you would like to talk about?" Kib asked. Shoot, that's right! He's the grim reaper supernatural! He can read emotions by reading your heart! O-okay, time to change the subject...

"W-what?! Can't a girl ask a question to her friend?! Haha, man, Kib, you're such a kidder!" I say stupid things once more. ARGH! NOT AGAIN, ME! THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T HAVE MANY FRIENDS! WHY CAN'T YOU-







....I started to tear up "*Hic* *hic*..."

"W-whoa?! Are you okay?! I didn't mean to upset you!" Kib panics while trying to figure out a way to help me.

"I'm not good at any of this!" I bluntly say.

"At what?" He asked.

"*Sighs*..." I wipe my tears. "S-sorry, I'm sort of...paranoid with certain things. Talking to people isn't my thing. Sure, I can talk to all of you now, but I don't normally talk to other people. That's why Kum and Tao do all the talking, and I just stand there like a dumbass. And when I saw you talking to many people, even though you were nervous, I got a bit...jealous." 

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