Strive 2: The Beginning

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10 years later...

Someone Pov

" Mm... ow! My head..." I said in a painful voice. I slowly sat up on something that I was resting on and look around my surroundings. It was pretty dark, dirty, and empty place. A place where you can probably fit in two people, I believe? Wait, it is a place for two people! Ah, I remember where I am now.

"Mm. I don't like this pain I'm feeling in my head. What happened anyway?" I said to myself as I touch my temple and try to remember the last thing I did. And then, it hit me...

" Ah, right...*Sad* They made me do that again, huh? Not to mention the torture I had to put up with today." That's right. Those creatures had captured human beings and do whatever the hell they want with them. I wonder why though? Not to mention that time when me and- "*surprise* H-huh? Hold on!"

My train of thought had been interrupted by my chains once I move a bit. " Ah-!" I gasp in surprise. Wait a minute, I just realize something! if my chains are acting like this...wait... " Where is she?! Where's my, my friend?!" I panic with some fright in my voice. " Oh no! I thought she was with my group for the torture section today! *Angry* If something happened to her, I'd-"


" *Painful look* OW!" I said.


I suddenly see red everywhere as I cover my face as a reflex from whatever attacked them. "Aahhh!!!!" I scream in pain as I tried to stop the bleeding...

"Quiet you! And you better thank your dumb luck that things like this whip here don't permanently remove your eyesight unlike the others around here." A creature said as he holds the whip tightly. The creature was deformed if my memory serves me right. A head shapes weirdly as it had pointy shape things with extra arms.

"Argh!" The pain still hurts regardless even if my dumb luck could somehow save it. But he's right. If it weren't for my dumb luck, then my sight of seeing would've been gone by now..."*Breathing heavy* she? Where's my friend?" I ask in a heavy, but yet painful ton.

"Heh. Unbelievable. It's no fun if you don't scream for your own life. No matter how many times we torture you or that girly, you guys don't care about anything but each other." the awful creature replied to me in a jokey way. He doesn't care about me or my friend at all. He just wanted to tease and bring me down. "Alright, enough chit-chat. Here's your daily food, you animal. *Takes out a half-bite dirty sandwich* Enjoyed the meal. HAHAHAHA!" the creature screamed with laughter. And yup, you heard right...Literally screaming.

" Mm... *Look at the sandwich and then look at the creature* Thank you for the meal, but um...may I ask where is my friend as well? She's probably starving more than me, I bet. Is her torture done yet or...?" I ask the creature that was still laughing at me and my sorry state. But I don't care about how or what people think of me. All I'm worried about was her...

" Huh? Still, asking nicely even though we bring you hell? Man, you two sure are funny. She's still doing important "business" with my friends, so it won't be long. She'll be out any second" The creature replied. Oh! So, she's almost done with the torture and that as well! That's good news! I smile at this nodded to the monster.

"Thank goodness! She's alive! I thought she...! I'm so happy!" I said with tears of joy. The creature was disgusted by my happiness and stomped on the sandwich and kicked it towards me. I pick it up and look at the creature with a surprised expression. Did I say something wrong?

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