Strive 51: A Clue!

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Kibishi's POV

My vision is getting dark. I can feel anger. Rage at something I don't understand. Why am I so angry? Why am I mad?

Is there something I'm forgetting? No, it couldn't be!

So why?! Why am I-?!

"Kishi?" I heard a sweet voice.

"*Gasps*" I widen my eyes in fear for some reason. "Tao-! H-huh?" I blinked. I saw the three girls look at me in a worried way.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jir asked.

"Yeah, you seem out of it. This is the second time you stand here with your eyes glowing. I thought you were going to transform." Kuma said.

"Kishi, is there something in your mind that's making you nervous?  I could tell that when you were shaking." Tao said.

"W-what?" I wiped my brow and saw a pile of sweat on my palm. "What's going on?" I whisper.

These visions keep getting to me. Why am I so scared whenever I see them? What's going in here? Now more than ever, I want to hold on to Tao for some reason. Calm down, calm down...

She's safe. She's safe...

Why am I worried? What's happening to me? She's right here! This doesn't make any sense to me! Why am I acting like this?

"Kishi, you're burning up. You want to sit down and rest?" Tao asked me. "N-no! I'm fine! I'm just having an off day, is all!"

"Kib, something's wrong. You don't freak out like that unless it's something that's stressing you. That's not good for your heart." Jir said.

"Let us take care of the rest. Tao, stay with him for mental support. Seems like he got a lot on his mind." Kuma says while frowning.

"N-no, but I want to..." I tried to come up with my words, but my body felt tired. I lower my head and sigh quietly.  "Hey, it's okay. Rest up, Kibi. It's not like you were doing nothing." Kuma mentions while smiling a bit.

"Yeah! You rest now, you hear? If we need to, we'll call you two, okay?" Jir says with a slight blush on her face.

And so, they both walk away to continue the search.

"There I go again. Why I'm like this?" I asked.

"Kishi..." Tao whispers.

"I'm so tired for some reason. Why is that?" I wonder to myself. Tao frowned and made both of us sit down in a corner. "Kishi, let me take a look at you." my friend says while putting her left hand over my head. "Aw, poor Kishi. You're having a fever." Tao says with a worried expression.

"I don't understand anymore," I whisper weakly.

"Kishi..." Tao called out my name.

"Whoa!" I panicked when I saw Tao wrapping her arms around my neck and gently pulling me in.  "Kishi, rest up. I'll keep an eye on you while you sleep."

Tao's chest area...

I'm blushing now. But then-

Bu-bump! Bu-bump!

I can hear Tao's heart beating.  It's so sweet and honest...

"Tao, your heartbeat sounds nice," I whisper.  Tao laughed and patted my red hair. "I know. That's why I love listening to yours. It soothes the soul as I melt away alongside the trouble I had. It sounds so lovely, so nice. can rest on my chest for as long as you need to. I'll keep you safe until you're rested." she says while blushing.

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