Strive 4: I'll Protect You.

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Kibishi's POV

I rush towards our bed and throw the pillow aside as soon as I reach there. From then I take the broken knife. I notice the necklace and bracelet when I was receiving the knife. I grab them with my free hand and stare at them. My eyes shake as the light from them shines.

I thought to myself-

if I manage to find a way out of this ceil, to get us both out I mean, then I will protect Tao with my life. She's working hard as is right now. I'll repay her with my life. I swear it. "I promise..."


Tao's eyes shine when I give her the bracelet and put it around her wrist. She hugs me and I hug her back. She then let go of my hug and said;

"Kishi! Thank you for being my friend!"

I nodded.

I grab her hand with the bracelet and blush nervously "I'll protect this bracelet- no you and the bracket with my life! I won't let them make you cry!"

"Your hands are shaking though!" Tao said.

"I-I just got a cold!" I said.

"Hehe! It's okay to be scared! That's what I like about you! You're honest and sweet!" Tao tilted her head "You even try to be friends with me even if I try to make you go away! You even save me from the bullies for calling me a freak in here!"

"Because it's not true! Tao isn't a freak! You're just a little strong, is all!" I said.

This made Tao giggle and smile brightly.

"Thank you!" Tao says while staring at me with relief in her eyes.

From that moment, I knew she was at ease. All of those tortures she put up with. The reason for smiling, the reason she doesn't cry in front of me, the reason she keeps being kind. It's because she can see me at the end of the day. We would talk and play. We would even try to dream. But most of all,

We both always have each other. We made a promise at that moment. We will always stick together forever. Protect each other. Until the end of our life.


I slowly smile and then put the bracelet in my pocket. I  rush back towards Tao's side and handed her the broken knife. She hands me the bamboo sword as I look back at the jail bar. 

Scratch! Crack!

"If can just loosen up these four screws then we can crawl in and figure out the way to shut down these chains!" Tao says while sweating a bit.

"Are you okay, Tao?" I asked.

She slowly nodded and smile at me "I'm fine since you're by my side, Kishi! That's all that matters!"

"C'mon, that can't be all true!" I say in a bit of a jokey way.

"I'm serious! Hmph! *Puffy face* Anyway, we can't be fooling around while the ceil is being attacked! Focus, Kishi!" Tao says while pouting a bit.

"S-sorry..." I apologize.

She then focus back on unloosing the screws while I patted her back to give support. Not too long after-


"I got the first screw loose! Now for the other three..." Tao mutters to herself as she keeps looking back at the jail bar with me. 

"Awesome! Just three-!" My sentence was interrupted by-

Crack! Crack! Bang! Bang!

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