Strive 33: The Wall!

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Kibishi's POV

"So, what's the plan, Tao?" I asked with a curious expression.

"It's simple." Tao had a calm expression and raised her index finger. "We just need to track down the monster and follow it to its secret hideout."

"It's what?" The founder raises both brows.

"I have some of its memory for some reason. It's gone as we speak, but I drew out the blueprint before it completely disappeared. I guessed it's the side effect of using someone's body." Tao said.

"I get it. I might know where it went as well."I smiled.

"You do?" Mato asked.

"Yeah," I nodded and pointed at the map Tao brought out. "Though It's more a bit to the right, Tao. Your memory is a bit off.". "I see," Tao smile at me. "Thank you, Kishi!".

"So it's inside the wall we were, huh? That's a bit creepy. So does that mean that it can slide in between the walls?" Kuma asked. "Yup," Tao nodded. "There's a saying long ago about "I'm in your walls." but that was just a joke. Who never the monsters will take that literally." Mark says, then shivers, "I don't think I'll sleep tonight!"

"Regardless, this is good news. Not how we wanted it due to Tao almost losing her soul more than once, but still good for us and humanity!" Mato turns serious. "Anyway, now that Kibishi has a way to turn the girls back to normal from their forms, they can fight without any worry! We can use this chance to strike back at the monster for abusing one of us!"

"Indeed. Not only that, but we can now track them down even more, thanks to the upgrade we made." Kibun said.

"We just need to take out the monster. That's the main worry for each layer." Ashely says while frowning.

"I feel like this will advance our progress. I feel like that monster is using that hideout to gather its power somehow. I don't know what's in there, but..." Tao began saying.

"It's something that it doesn't want anyone to discover. That's why it always transforms into a spirit-like state whenever its body is destroyed beyond regeneration." Kuma finishes.

"But this is all just speculations.  I want to find out by investigating a bit. Right, Kishi?" Tao says while turning to me, "Yeah, same." I nodded.

"I bet it's something to do with what it said from before. Why does it keep trying to make its territory bigger than the rest? It wants to gather some energy to grow into a king!" Kujira says while looking serious.

"We need to confirm that before jumping to conclusions, though. It might be a different reason for wanting power over the whole layers in hell." Kibun says while looking at Kujira.

"Right. It might just want the power to destroy all humanity. Both from underground to the surface." Tao said.

"That's why we must stop them from killing more people and getting more power. We must also find a way to head towards the second layer." I said.

"Right, you are, Kibi!" Kuma turns serious. "For this mission, we must set our positions here and now. Tao, you and I will be in the front. Kujira, you're in the back to give support. You can cast healing magic, right? Thanks to the super code, your magic has enhanced by 10%, I believe."

"Right! Leave it to me, Kum!" Kujira says while smiling brightly.

"And Kibi!" Kuma looks at me.

"Yes!" I said.

"Try to help whatever you can! If you see anyone getting tired, you can use the other options from your megaphone to give support! Like restoring our stamina! Though, that would require your heart as well!" Kuma said.

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