Strive 31: 101%! I'm Saving Tao!

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Kibishi's POV

Step! Step! Step!

Kuma and I run in Tao's direction.

"TAO!" I screamed.

"AHAHAHAHA! HAHAHA! POWER! MORE POWER!" Tao says while grinning wickedly.

Slash! Slash!

Kujira backs up and meets us. "Tch! Such power! I had never seen a supernatural with so much power! Especially a new one who barely understands her abilities yet!"

"Jir! I'm so glad to see you! I thought you were- you know!" Kuma began tearing up "We lost so many people in this cruel world! I-I! I....!". "Kum! You're okay! Kib, you did it!" Kujira says while tearing up "You're a wonderful person after all! Thank you!"

"No problem!" I nodded with a smile. I then had a serious expression "But we're not done yet! Tao's in trouble guys! We have to save her, too!"

"...." Tao was staring at me.

"Huh?" I blink.

"Aha...ahaha...*tearing up* argghhh!!!!" Tao's expression change from smiling to frowning in sadness. "She's...crying again!?" Kujira sys with a shocked expression. "It's Kibi. Now that she's seeing him, her soul is crying in shame...." Kuma says while frowning as well. "Tao..." I frown as well.

"Arghh...ARGGGHHHH!!!!!" Tao burst into tears and runs away from us.

"Tao!" I reach out my hand. I narrow my eyes in anger "I won't lose you again!"

"Right, you are, Kibi!" Kuma turns serious and ready her weapon "Jir, block her exit! Kibi, you're with me! We're saving the sad princess who's ashamed to see her prince charming!"

"Leave it to me, Kum!" Kujira says with a grin.

Step! Step! Step!

"Kibi, please forgive her action. She was only trying to get back to you as soon as possible..." Kuma says while being said. "I know. In fact, it made me glad that she wanted to see me again after all of this time." I turn serious "Tao is a sweet girl. She maybe a bit reckless but so am I. I understand where she's coming from. Being separated for so long makes you lonely. That's why when we get back, I help her become the bright girl Tao is destined to become!"

I set my heart radar and let the meds take in once more. I then set my percentage "100%. This works last time so..."

I look up and saw Kujira blocking Tao's path. Tao stops and then narrows her eyes in rage "Argh....ARGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" she screams in anger.

"Oh no you don't! You're coming back with us, Angel!" Kujira says with a determined expression "After all, Kib save Kum's life, so I technically "owe" him one!". "Get....out...OF MY WAY!!!!" Tao says in a full sentence.

Slash! Slash!

Kujira dodges the attacks and then kicks Tao. But the kick is missed, and Tao aims for the head. Luckily-


Kuma arrives just an attack from behind. This made Tao react quickly and blocks the attack with the weapon. I started to run towards them "KUMA! KUJIRA! TAO!".

This made Tao flinches and then push Kuma to retreat.


I slide in front of Tao with a determined expression "No you don't!"

Tao frowns once more and slowly steps backward. Kuma and Kujira step in and block her path. "It's over, Tao. We're bringing you back home! *smile* Now come on, hold my hand." I offer my hand.

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