Strive 64: The Holy Tree

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Kibishi's POV

Slash! Slash!

Kuma slashes two creature's heads off, and black blood spills.


Thump! Thump!

The bodies fell to the ground. I crack my megaphone and aim it in Kuma's direction "KUMA!" I shouted.


I blast her with my heart wave, and I hear my wrist radar beeping normally. I looked at it and saw that Kuma was not stressing as much as before.

"Good. Her stress wave is back to normal." I said.

I turned and saw Jir casting two fireballs towards a tough-looking creature with cat features.


The creature was burnt and fell on the floor.


I look at my heart rate. Sheesh, I may have a heart attack if I send another for Jir. But...


I am my megaphone at Jir, regardless, after lowering the cranking, of course. I still have a chance, though. 

"Jir!" I shouted.


I send my heart wave at her. And it's a good thing as well. Jir almost transforms into her true state.


"Ngh!" I held my chest.

Damn it, that's something. If I didn't lower the cranking amps, then-!

N-no, I have to focus! Just because it hurts a bit doesn't mean I can complain about pain! Tao and the others are in pain as well. I have no right to cry about it.


Tao slashed a giant creature that was twice her size. She slowly turned around and saw me panting a bit. "Kishi?" she whispered my name while walking towards me.

"Hey, Tao!" I say with a weak smile.

Tao was in front of me now with a worried expression. "Are you okay? Let me check your heart for a second."

"It's fine, Tao. And anyway," I aim the megaphone and-


-Shoot my heart wave at her. I smile brightly. "You needed my heart right now! No big deal!"


"A-argh!" I gasp for air.

"Kishi!" Tao panics.

"Don't worry about it. See?" I press my heart's radar, releasing the meds for my heart. "I just need a few minutes before it takes its effects," I said.

"Be careful, Kishi. You're not an endless supply of a heart tank. You're only human, after all." Tao frowns as she touches the left side of my face. "Please, take care of yourself. I don't want you to fall on the floor again or worse. Please!" she says in a scared tone.

"S-sorry, Tao." I frown.

Great, now Tao is worrying about me again. This cannot continue. We have to focus on the mission. But I can't reject her feelings when it comes to my safety. That'll be a selfish move.

And I want Tao to be happy. I like her happy.

"I won't overdo it, alright? Hey, how about you check fo see if it's where we need to be, hmm? I'm sure that'll take your mind off of it." I suggested it.

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